Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of OPTIMISM – “I am responsible for my own happiness. I take spiritual actions to foster inner joy and optimism through daily prayer and meditation.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dolphin, Color: Red, Number: 5)

SUNDAY: When you find yourself ruminating between two choices when Mars enters your sign today, it may be best to do nothing at all. The Sagittarius Moon will awaken the researcher in you; if you start looking for new options to a cyclic problem, you’ll finally get some answers! Your ability to see both sides of a situation clearly will come in handy when family comes to you to settle a dispute. The first step to making a dream come true is to share it with Spirit, so make this the focus of your evening meditation.

KEEP IN MIND: Before you take action on anything, there are two sources you need to check out; the internet, and messages from Spirit! (But not necessarily in that order…)