Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of ABUNDANCE – “My attitude and perceptions dictate the results of my efforts. I focus on the restorative powers of positive thinking and carry an abundant mindset.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Purple, Number: 3)

TUESDAY: With the Sun cruising through Libra, prepare to experience a change in direction. Although you are hesitant to let go of a plan or idea you’ve been carrying, the pain and frustration it’s causing you far outweigh the minimal returns you’ve been getting. You can release fear or resentments more quickly if you engage in physical activities that create a stronger sense of wholeness and balance. Turn your worries over to the Universe under tonight’s magic-infused Libra new Moon/solar eclipse.

KEEP IN MIND: You’ve got plenty of things weighing you down today, so get a clue and stop the debate in your head with some physical activity.