Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of INDIVIDUALITY – “I honor my individuality, confident in the important role I play in the world. When I share myself authentically with others, I give them the freedom to do the same.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Silver, Number: 11)

WEDNESDAY: The Aries Moon could bring a surprising connection from the past back into your life today, by way of an email or phone call. Your pride could be the source of blocks in a group project at work, so focus on the bigger picture and be open to change or compromise. Watch for a surprise gift of money to come your way this week, just when you need it most! If you reach out to someone in need rather than dwelling on your own problems, you can end the evening on a more optimistic note.

KEEP IN MIND: Compromise isn’t your favorite concept, but it’s the only way to get at least some of what you want today; give it a try!