Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of ABUNDANCE – “My attitude and perceptions dictate the results of my efforts. I focus on the restorative powers of positive thinking and carry an abundant mindset.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Purple, Number: 3)
THURSDAY: When you focus on the things you don’t have, it keeps you from appreciating the abundance already in your life. You can shift your perception by adopting an attitude of gratitude under today’s Libra Moon. You’ll need to practice patience with a loved one, as you don’t have all the facts yet. You’re trying to treat a health issue in the wrong manner, so do a little research on the internet about the symptoms you have and see if you can find a more effective way to approach it.
KEEP IN MIND: Negative thinking and assumptions will lead you down the wrong path today, so instead, keep your focus on the positive and read between the lines.