Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of ABUNDANCE – “I am surrounded by miracles each day, if only I will stop to notice them. What I focus on will grow, so I acknowledge the inner and outer abundance I am blessed with.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hummingbird, Color: White, Number: 1)

FRIDAY: You could find yourself in the midst of chaos first thing this morning, so keep your focus in the moment to maintain your balance. You’re ready for change, but can’t seem to make it happen; consider new ways to manifest what you want. Be patient with a project that refuses to move and just put it aside for a few days. The Capricorn Moon will facilitate an unexpected invitation this evening that will take you out of the house for a much needed social break!

KEEP IN MIND: You could feel like you’re stuck in a maze today with no way out. The solution? Pull out your “spiritual compass!”