

Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTEGRITY – “I follow my inner voice, relying on intuition to guide my path. When I check in with Spirit on a daily basis, I receive confirmation that I am moving with integrity, and, in the right direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Silver, Number: 2)

MONDAY: Lighten up! Listen to how you’ve been talking to yourself, as the Pisces Moon can help you spot and eliminate any messages that carry a negative tone. Once you do, you’ll start presenting yourself with more confidence and clarity. Resist sharing your feelings with someone you’re upset with until you can express them from a more objective and less emotional stance. Your tarot card will be the Hermit, who’ll encourage you to go within this week, as its the ideal place to discover the answers you seek.

KEEP IN MIND: You’ve been treating yourself a bit poorly of late; replace those negative messages with positive affirmation and give yourself a confidence boost today.


Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTEGRITY – “I follow my inner voice, relying on intuition to guide my path. When I check in with Spirit on a daily basis, I receive confirmation that I am moving with integrity, and, in the right direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Silver, Number: 2)

TUESDAY: If there is any deception going on around you, this could be the day it comes to light. Pay close attention to discover discrepancies between what someone is saying and how they are acting. That way, you won’t be taken advantage of. Wearing yellow helps too, as it can stimulate your mental alertness and keep you on your toes. Your plans will get canceled under the Pisces Moon, which means you’ll have extra time for yourself this evening.

KEEP IN MIND: Pay attention! Something’s going on behind the scenes that is sure to come to light today.


Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTEGRITY – “I follow my inner voice, relying on intuition to guide my path. When I check in with Spirit on a daily basis, I receive confirmation that I am moving with integrity, and, in the right direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Silver, Number: 2)

WEDNESDAY: You can rid yourself of frustration if you’ll simply step back to look at the bigger picture! Any blocks that come up at work will actually protect you from moving in the wrong direction, so gracefully accept the limits that get placed on you. The Aries Moon will inspire your artistic side to come out and play tonight. Meditate with a rose quartz crystal, as this stone has the power to generate more emotional balance in your life.

KEEP IN MIND: Put your rose-colored glasses in the drawer and pay attention today; believe it or not, reality can be a beautiful thing!


Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTEGRITY – “I follow my inner voice, relying on intuition to guide my path. When I check in with Spirit on a daily basis, I receive confirmation that I am moving with integrity, and, in the right direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Silver, Number: 2)

THURSDAY: The Aquarius Sun will compel you to rearrange your schedule and make more time for personal pursuits. You could be tempted to spend more money than you have under the Aries Moon, so stop to consider the long-term effects before you act. If you write down those confusing emotions or ideas on paper, you can get a better picture of what’s really going on. Once you’ve finished journaling, meditate with a white candle to encourage even more insights to emerge.

KEEP IN MIND: Hold on there! Tempting as it may be, don’t go spending money you don’t have yet, as the Universe could have other plans for it.


Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTEGRITY – “I follow my inner voice, relying on intuition to guide my path. When I check in with Spirit on a daily basis, I receive confirmation that I am moving with integrity, and, in the right direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Silver, Number: 2)

FRIDAY: You may be tempted to leave work early as the Aquarius Sun shifts your focus to more personal and fun-loving activities. You’ll be in a contemplative mood, so review the struggles you’ve been experiencing from a more spiritual angle with a spontaneous meditation. Be prepared to change your plans at a moment’s notice under this evening’s Aries Moon, as an unexpected invitation tempts you out of the house and into the company of your favorite people!

KEEP IN MIND: You’re ready for the weekend; go ahead and give yourself permission to start early!


Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTEGRITY – “I follow my inner voice, relying on intuition to guide my path. When I check in with Spirit on a daily basis, I receive confirmation that I am moving with integrity, and, in the right direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Silver, Number: 2)

SATURDAY: If you look inward for direction, you can finally alleviate the powerlessness you’ve been feeling. It’s time to forget about changing circumstances and focus on how to accept current restrictions. Asking others for help or insight may just confuse you more, so sit in meditation under today’s Taurus Moon to shift your perception of what you perceive to be a problem. Dress in white to encourage clearer and more open communication with Spirit.

KEEP IN MIND: Acceptance is the way to go today; trying to change anything will just result in wasted energy and frustration.


Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of INTEGRITY – “I follow my inner voice, relying on intuition to guide my path. When I check in with Spirit on a daily basis, I receive confirmation that I am moving with integrity, and, in the right direction.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Silver, Number: 2)

SUNDAY: You’ll move through the day a bit ethereally under the Taurus Moon, gravitating toward whatever strikes your fancy at any given moment. Heed your intuition, as it will send some essential messages your way today. If you find yourself confronted with a financial problem, call on a friend for help. The evening could provide a surprise in the romance department, so light rose incense or use essential oils to open your heart and mind to the possibilities!

KEEP IN MIND: Moving in tune with Spirit will take you where you want to go today, even if it seems an ethereal path!