Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of DISCIPLINE – “My integrity shows through my words and actions. Practicing heightened awareness and spiritual discipline, I move through each day with authenticity and true contentment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Squirrel, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
MONDAY: Watch out! You’ll be tempted to dress up your words under today’s ethereal Scorpio Moon, but resist the urge or you’ll send a false impression out to others. Start delegating commitments that have grown too demanding; you’ve just got to reclaim some time for the personal priorities in your life! Your tarot card will be the Wheel of Fortune, so watch for the Universe to present you with powerful change and karmic advancement throughout the week.
KEEP IN MIND: Make authenticity your mantra today; say what you mean and mean what you say.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of DISCIPLINE – “My integrity shows through my words and actions. Practicing heightened awareness and spiritual discipline, I move through each day with authenticity and true contentment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Squirrel, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
TUESDAY: The Sagittarius Moon will shakes things up a bit today, as it reveals where a financial change is needed. Wear earth tones, as they can help you maintain your balance and get a clearer picture of where you stand regarding money. The disciplines you practice each day will soon make your visions a reality, so this is no time to start taking shortcuts. Treat yourself to a time of journaling tonight, to identify and release any fear that is keeping you from moving towards your heart’s desires.
KEEP IN MIND: Basically, this is a good day for a reality check! Take a closer look around you to see where things stand.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of DISCIPLINE – “My integrity shows through my words and actions. Practicing heightened awareness and spiritual discipline, I move through each day with authenticity and true contentment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Squirrel, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
WEDNESDAY: Get your most important responsibilities out of the way first thing this morning so you can move with the whims of the Universe the rest of the day. Don’t be surprised when a loved one confronts you about what you consider to be a minor infraction: Just smile and promise not to do it again. Wear grounding jet or onyx stones under the Sagittarius Moon, as they can increase your commitment to self, along with your devotion to others.
KEEP IN MIND: What’s the big deal? When others try to make mountains out of mole hills today, you’ll just have to placate them.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of DISCIPLINE – “My integrity shows through my words and actions. Practicing heightened awareness and spiritual discipline, I move through each day with authenticity and true contentment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Squirrel, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
THURSDAY: The Aquarius Sun will turn your thoughts from goal-oriented activities to personal pursuits today. Reschedule appointments and give yourself permission to do your own thing. An ex from your past could contact you out of the blue by phone or email; the feelings they induce could be based in illusion, so respond with caution. Burn white candles while you meditate; they’ll enable you to see things more clearly under the practical-minded Sagittarius Moon.
KEEP IN MIND: Give yourself a break today and do your own thing!
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of DISCIPLINE – “My integrity shows through my words and actions. Practicing heightened awareness and spiritual discipline, I move through each day with authenticity and true contentment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Squirrel, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
FRIDAY: You may feel frustrated when work interferes with your personal plans under today’s Capricorn Moon, but doing what is in front of you is the only way you’ll have more freedom over the weekend. Someone could try to take advantage of your good nature one too many times, which means you’ll have to set new boundaries with them. The Aquarius Sun will bring out your adventurous side this evening, so venture out to place you’ve never been before!
KEEP IN MIND: As usual, our freedoms lie in our disciplines, so make sure to dot your “i’s” and cross your “t’s” before heading home to enjoy the weekend.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of DISCIPLINE – “My integrity shows through my words and actions. Practicing heightened awareness and spiritual discipline, I move through each day with authenticity and true contentment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Squirrel, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
SATURDAY: Today’s Capricorn Moon will be an eye-opener, shining a bright light on relationships or any area where you’re sensing a lack of balance. When you allow emotions to flow through you without reacting to them, they can open a path to deeper understanding. Make plans to socialize with your favorite people tonight; they have some fascinating news to share. Ready to connect with the spirit world? Dress in purple for your meditation, request to speak to a loved one, and the “spiritual operator” will put your call right through!
KEEP IN MIND: Balance can be tricky, but one thing’s for sure; you have to know what’s out of balance before you can fix it!
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Affirmation for this week of DISCIPLINE – “My integrity shows through my words and actions. Practicing heightened awareness and spiritual discipline, I move through each day with authenticity and true contentment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Squirrel, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
SUNDAY: If you’re ready to add a bit of spice to your life, start the day off by burning some cinnamon incense or diffusing some essential oils. The creative Aquarius Moon will encourage you to move with passion no matter what you are doing. Take a break midday to remind all your friends and family how much you care about them as Venus moves into Capricorn. Surprising information abounds on the internet, so do a search and see what you can learn. You’ll wear your heart on your sleeve this evening, which could definitely make this a night to remember!
KEEP IN MIND: Restless? Irritable? Discontent? Get off the couch and go in search of adventure today!