

Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of RELEASE – “I place my concerns in Spirit’s hands to release my hold on them, as well as the hold they have over me. I live fully in each moment, free of fear or worry.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Frog, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

MONDAY: You may be tempted to make a decision without all the facts today, but hold off, as the Capricorn Moon could bring new facts to light this afternoon. Your workday will be littered with interruptions as Mercury turns retrograde, so put off jobs that require intense focus until later in the week. Your tarot card the Hanged Man will remind you to be patient regarding those areas of your life that appear to be on hold or “hung up” at the moment.

KEEP IN MIND: Emotions swirl around you like you’re in the midst of an astrological tornado today. They aren’t yours, so do your best to steer clear of the drama!


Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of RELEASE – “I place my concerns in Spirit’s hands to release my hold on them, as well as the hold they have over me. I live fully in each moment, free of fear or worry.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Frog, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

TUESDAY: The Capricorn Moon could tempt you to daydream the day away, but thankfully the Aries Sun will help you to keep at least one foot on the ground! You’ll fare better if you allow conflicting energies to fade before making any decisions or engaging in emotionally based conversations. Your best defense may be to stick with solitary activities that nurture your creative side. Wear red this evening to motivate you, as it’s time to attend a project you’ve been putting off since January.

KEEP IN MIND: Sit on the fence today and refuse to make any decisions or agree to someone’s request. Otherwise, you’ll just have to backtrack when you find you’ve committed to something you really didn’t mean to.


Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of RELEASE – “I place my concerns in Spirit’s hands to release my hold on them, as well as the hold they have over me. I live fully in each moment, free of fear or worry.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Frog, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

WEDNESDAY: If you sit down and create a plan on paper for a current goal, you’ll be able to move one of your dreams a step closer to reality. Write it in pencil, however, as you’re certain to have to revise it as you go along. An important financial decision will hang in the balance today: Investigate further under the equitable Aquarius Moon, and you’ll discover the information you overlooked the first time around. Wear or carry a piece of onyx, as this stone can stabilize your emotions and restore your vision of the future.

KEEP IN MIND: Do your research today; the information you’re looking for is now available!


Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of RELEASE – “I place my concerns in Spirit’s hands to release my hold on them, as well as the hold they have over me. I live fully in each moment, free of fear or worry.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Frog, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

THURSDAY: You can do the footwork, but keep your expectations low under the Aquarius Moon, as the final outcome is in the hands of the Universe. Your advanced skills and knowledge make you indispensable at work, assuring this an ideal time to ask for a raise. Your ruler Venus will move into Aries and bring out your sensual side this evening: Whether you’re in a partnership or searching a dating site, classical music is the perfect accompaniment to a romantic interlude. Have some playing in the background to stir up some passion!

KEEP IN MIND: Do what you can and leave the results up to the Universe. It’s the only way to go!


Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of RELEASE – “I place my concerns in Spirit’s hands to release my hold on them, as well as the hold they have over me. I live fully in each moment, free of fear or worry.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Frog, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

FRIDAY: Illusions of grandeur may have you promising more than you can actually deliver today, so choose your words with care to avoid angry confrontations or disputes later. Wear indigo or black, as these colors can create invisible boundaries to help you avoid giving away too much information, too soon. The Pisces Moon will inspire you to take a leap of faith in matters of the heart tonight, with wonderful results!

KEEP IN MIND: Proceed with caution, as it appears you’re moving through a minefield today!


Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of RELEASE – “I place my concerns in Spirit’s hands to release my hold on them, as well as the hold they have over me. I live fully in each moment, free of fear or worry.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Frog, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

SATURDAY: Blocks or changes to your plans could have you resenting everything and every one by mid-afternoon, so schedule some alone time to shift your attitude and regain your balance under the stabilizing Pisces Moon. An impromptu shopping trip or a surprise invitation is sure to come your way this afternoon. Frankincense incense or essential oils can evoke prophetic visions while you sleep, so light or diffuse some before bed and see what your dreams have to reveal.

KEEP IN MIND: If you find yourself off-kilter this morning, remember that you’re the one who’ll have to change. It’s the fastest and most effective way to restore your inner peace.


Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of RELEASE – “I place my concerns in Spirit’s hands to release my hold on them, as well as the hold they have over me. I live fully in each moment, free of fear or worry.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Frog, Color: Purple, Number: 8)

SUNDAY: Be sure to review your finances today, to confirm that you’ll have what you need for a secure future. Take care not to let your stubborn side show when you run into a conflict with a loved one, even if you have no intention of backing down. Schedule in some “me” time this evening to nurture yourself under the Aries Moon. Light a few purple candles during your meditation, as they can encourage your psychic and intuitive powers to grow.

KEEP IN MIND: You’ll need to practice tact and diplomacy today, even though others are acting unreasonably. (Good luck with that!)