Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of PROGRESS – “Amazing change is now appearing in my life, as I begin to see evidence of the progress I am making. I open myself up to the possibilities and continue to pursue my dreams with endless trust and faith.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Firefly, Color: Silver, Number: 11)
MONDAY: You have to accept the reality of a situation before you can change it, which, in essence, means the responsibility will rest on your shoulders. Your ability to alter your direction at a moment’s notice will come in handy under today’s adaptable Scorpio Moon. Don’t sweat the small stuff; keep your eye on the bigger picture! Your focus will be on loving interactions with family and friends this week, inspired by your tarot card, the Lovers.
KEEP IN MIND: No matter what challenges you face today, you’ll have to be the one to adapt, compromise, or change. (Annoying, isn’t it?)
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of PROGRESS – “Amazing change is now appearing in my life, as I begin to see evidence of the progress I am making. I open myself up to the possibilities and continue to pursue my dreams with endless trust and faith.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Firefly, Color: Silver, Number: 11)
TUESDAY: Leaving behind old dreams or relationships may seem difficult, but with all the transformational energy in the air, you simply must make room for the dynamic new opportunities coming your way! Be diligent in clearing out clutter and finishing up projects that have been sitting on the back burner since July. Thanks to the Sagittarius Moon, you’ll be able to organize and complete tasks in record time. Wear neutral colors, as they can help you to maintain a calm and steady pace, even in the midst of chaos.
KEEP IN MIND: It’s not always easy to let go of the things that are keeping you stuck, but if you don’t do it now, you’ll miss the amazing new opportunities coming your way.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of PROGRESS – “Amazing change is now appearing in my life, as I begin to see evidence of the progress I am making. I open myself up to the possibilities and continue to pursue my dreams with endless trust and faith.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Firefly, Color: Silver, Number: 11)
WEDNESDAY: Surprising insights will come your way under today’s Sagittarius Moon, freeing you from long-held illusions and revealing ways around current blocks. Unexpected delays at work may slow your movement, but practicing spiritual awareness will help you to go with the flow. You can also light myrrh incense to surround yourself with an extra layer of peace and balance. If you make a detailed accounting of your finances tonight, you’ll discover hidden cash!
KEEP IN MIND: A few surprises are headed your way today, and all you have to do is show up and get ready to be blessed!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of PROGRESS – “Amazing change is now appearing in my life, as I begin to see evidence of the progress I am making. I open myself up to the possibilities and continue to pursue my dreams with endless trust and faith.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Firefly, Color: Silver, Number: 11)
THURSDAY: You should turn your attention to financial matters first thing this morning, where you’ll get a clearer picture of where you stand. A purchase you’ve been considering can be made sooner than you think; shop the internet for a better price. Be patient with a new friend who is too busy to spend time with you now; it’s not personal. Journal under tonight’s Capricorn Moon, where you can discover how to break through blocks and get a creative project moving again.
KEEP IN MIND: This might seem like a day of constant blocks, but if you adopt a more spiritual perspective, you’ll see that you’re simply being protected from moving in the wrong direction.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of PROGRESS – “Amazing change is now appearing in my life, as I begin to see evidence of the progress I am making. I open myself up to the possibilities and continue to pursue my dreams with endless trust and faith.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Firefly, Color: Silver, Number: 11)
FRIDAY: Greater self-awareness will be a gift of today’s illuminating Virgo Sun, and you’ll finally know exactly where you want to go from here. The Capricorn Moon will inspire a leap of faith, as you begin to expand your world through creative or social activities. Wear red, as it can give you the power to go the distance today, no matter how many responsibilities are on your plate. If you agree to let someone else make the plans for your evening, they’ll take you on a wonderful adventure!
KEEP IN MIND: Though it’s a little scary to let go of the reins, go ahead and let someone else be in charge today.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of PROGRESS – “Amazing change is now appearing in my life, as I begin to see evidence of the progress I am making. I open myself up to the possibilities and continue to pursue my dreams with endless trust and faith.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Firefly, Color: Silver, Number: 11)
SATURDAY: This will be an easy day, one you can fill with your favorite activities. Make all your decisions based on intuition, rather than waiting for others to suggest your next move. If you light a few green candles while you’re surfing the internet, they’ll make it easier to connect with a dear friend from the past or find an item that’s on sale. Pay close attention to your dreams under tonight’s Capricorn Moon, as Spirit often uses sleep time to send its most important and influential messages.
KEEP IN MIND: Have a great day today, as it’s one of the few where you’ll be able to do whatever you want!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of PROGRESS – “Amazing change is now appearing in my life, as I begin to see evidence of the progress I am making. I open myself up to the possibilities and continue to pursue my dreams with endless trust and faith.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Firefly, Color: Silver, Number: 11)
SUNDAY: The Virgo Sun will offer you a clear picture of how to restore movement to a few areas of your life that have become stagnant over the last three months, so get ready to take action! A career opportunity you’re considering will require extra time and commitment, but holds the potential to make all your dreams come true. Spend your evening with creative friends under the Aquarius Moon, and wear or carry a sapphire or blue topaz to keep your conversations fun and spiritually inspired.
KEEP IN MIND: The first step to making your dreams a reality is to share them with others, so today, let everyone know what your deepest desires are.