Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of HAPPINESS – “I move through each day with a spiritual perspective. My happiness comes from sharing the gift of myself with everyone around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hummingbird, Color: Orange, Number: 12)
MONDAY: If you hold on too tightly to your expectations under the Aries Moon, it could set you up for disappointment. Instead, let things unfold naturally and keep your focus in the moment. You’ll discover where you’ve been holding yourself back or creating your own blocks, which in truth, will be the first step to clearing them! Your tarot card is the Empress, who’ll move you through the holidays with grace, kindness, and love.
KEEP IN MIND: You’ll miss the real gifts of the season if you let your expectations get the better of you. Just relax and go with the flow.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of HAPPINESS – “I move through each day with a spiritual perspective. My happiness comes from sharing the gift of myself with everyone around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hummingbird, Color: Orange, Number: 12)
TUESDAY: Conflicts could greet you first thing this morning, and despite your best efforts, trying to get back on track could take you the better part of the day. If you refuse to get caught up in a power struggle and turn your attention to your own responsibilities under the Aries Moon, you can bypass unnecessary trouble. Eat more orange foods to spark your imagination and increase overall vitality so you’re in top shape for the celebrations ahead!
KEEP IN MIND: Pick your battles wisely today, and trust me, you’ll have plenty to choose from!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of HAPPINESS – “I move through each day with a spiritual perspective. My happiness comes from sharing the gift of myself with everyone around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hummingbird, Color: Orange, Number: 12)
WEDNESDAY: Your intuition will expand as the Taurus Moon makes spiritual growth a priority today. You can create a lasting impression by remaining a bit mysterious with a love interest or intriguing new friend that crosses your path. Keep your schedule open and flexible this afternoon, as an unexpected phone call could change your direction at a moment’s notice. Burn patchouli incense or use essential oils to clear away stagnant thoughts and replace them with a brighter outlook.
KEEP IN MIND: Things are still a bit ethereal today, so follow your intuition and don’t concern yourself with unfinished business or confusion; just live in the moment!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of HAPPINESS – “I move through each day with a spiritual perspective. My happiness comes from sharing the gift of myself with everyone around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hummingbird, Color: Orange, Number: 12)
THURSDAY: You could discover that you’re being treated unfairly today, but you’ll have to calm down a bit before you can confront the situation. Examine your motives for holding on to an unhealthy relationship; a quick review will reveal why it’s now essential to let it go. There’s a deeper cause behind all this emotional confusion, but if you journal about it, the answers will come. Meditate with an amber stone under the Taurus Moon; it can help you gain a clearer view of your future.
KEEP IN MIND: Sometimes we hold on to things just because they’re familiar; the question is, are they keeping you stuck?
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of HAPPINESS – “I move through each day with a spiritual perspective. My happiness comes from sharing the gift of myself with everyone around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hummingbird, Color: Orange, Number: 12)
FRIDAY: You’ll feel more confident and assertive today, and with the karmic Gemini Moon overhead, you should get ready to take a leap of faith! Once you determine what it is you really want, others will be happy to help you get it, so clue them in. Try to remain objective when a loved one wants to make changes to your plans, as their ideas have value. In the end, the main thing to remember is that the season is all about togetherness and joy.
KEEP IN MIND: Even though you’re a big fan of change, you could be resistant to it today; it’s not stubbornness, it’s just that you had something different in mind.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of HAPPINESS – “I move through each day with a spiritual perspective. My happiness comes from sharing the gift of myself with everyone around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hummingbird, Color: Orange, Number: 12)
SATURDAY: Today’s Gemini Moon will encourage you to view life from a more objective perspective; in other words, don’t take things too personally. Wear yellow to increase your confidence and empower all your movements. Go over your finances to see where you stand. You could discover you’ve spent more than you realized over the last two months but don’t worry, you can balance the budget and make up for overspending next year.
KEEP IN MIND: You’ll feel much better if you have a clear picture of your finances today; that way, you can move into next year with a better idea of what you have to work with.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of HAPPINESS – “I move through each day with a spiritual perspective. My happiness comes from sharing the gift of myself with everyone around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hummingbird, Color: Orange, Number: 12)
SUNDAY: You’re likely to spend the day taking a look back at fond memories and days gone by as Mercury resumes forward motion and takes you back in time. You’ll engage in soulful conversations all day long, catching up with people you haven’t seen for ages under the Gemini full Moon. Take a break midday to regroup, as it might be the last time you get to before the fun begins! It might be hard to sleep tonight, so immerse yourself in meditation to give thanks for all your blessings.
KEEP IN MIND: The Sagittarius Sun will have you socializing most of the day, as it makes unconditional love your focus.