Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of DETERMINATION – “I act with confidence and determination, letting nothing stand in my way. I have faith that the Universe will move me forward on the path to fulfillment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Red, Number: 10)
MONDAY: You’ll be most productive later in the day, so feel free to goof off this morning. New information can provide a great solution to a repeating conflict, so do some internet research or networking. There’s a growing sense of command surrounding you under today’s Cancer full Moon, so go ahead, be bossy! Your Tarot card Strength will provide you with endless energy and offer innovative ways to maneuver around current blocks this week.
KEEP IN MIND: Actions speak louder than words today, so quit trying to talk others into following your lead and just do your own thing.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of DETERMINATION – “I act with confidence and determination, letting nothing stand in my way. I have faith that the Universe will move me forward on the path to fulfillment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Red, Number: 10)
TUESDAY: The responsibilities you’re presented with today will weigh heavily on you, but thanks to the diligent Leo Moon, you’ll manage the load with ease. Set specific boundaries to keep from feeling overworked or resentful. Wear or carry a tiger’s eye stone today to empower your every move. Someone who often asks for your advice (but never takes it) will approach you again for help tonight; listen, but don’t offer your opinion.
KEEP IN MIND: Boundaries can keep you resentment-free and in balance, so now’s the time to set some!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of DETERMINATION – “I act with confidence and determination, letting nothing stand in my way. I have faith that the Universe will move me forward on the path to fulfillment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Red, Number: 10)
WEDNESDAY: You could find yourself frustrated when family members seem more intent on getting in your way than helping; simply count to ten and work around them. Practice patience, as more information will be revealed in a day or two. To restore your inner peace, spend time with optimistic people who always seem to see the silver lining. Meditate with purple candles under tonight’s revealing Leo Moon, as they can offer a more spiritual view of current situations.
KEEP IN MIND: Don’t let what others are doing slow your progress today; just move around them and keep going!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of DETERMINATION – “I act with confidence and determination, letting nothing stand in my way. I have faith that the Universe will move me forward on the path to fulfillment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Red, Number: 10)
THURSDAY: You’ll greet the day with a positive outlook under the fun-loving Virgo Moon. Laughter, empathy, and an easygoing attitude can help you sidestep any unexpected blocks or conflicts that crop up. Dress in indigo for a social function you’re hesitant about attending, as this color will assure you have a great time! A surprise is coming your way this weekend and carries the potential to manifest a new romance or chance meeting with someone who can advance your career.
KEEP IN MIND: Keep it light and stay far away from anyone who tries to bring you down today.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of DETERMINATION – “I act with confidence and determination, letting nothing stand in my way. I have faith that the Universe will move me forward on the path to fulfillment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Red, Number: 10)
FRIDAY: You’ve been operating under a false sense of security, and an abrupt change in your thinking will occur today as the Sun moves deeper into Aquarius. The responsibilities awaiting you at home will be a focal point today, as you work to restore order and balance under the Capricorn Sun. Meditate with musk incense or essential oils under the Virgo Moon; it will remind you to give thanks for the blessings in your life, rather than lamenting the limits.
KEEP IN MIND: Just when you thought you had things figured out, new information comes in today and changes your entire perspective! (In a good way!)
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of DETERMINATION – “I act with confidence and determination, letting nothing stand in my way. I have faith that the Universe will move me forward on the path to fulfillment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Red, Number: 10)
SATURDAY: Your sense of adventure will have you exploring new places, ideas, or social activities today. Wear white, as it can help you attract a new spiritual teacher or mentor into your midst. You’ll want to clear the air with a loved one, as the Virgo Moon encourages you to practice greater love, harmony, and balance. Fun will overrule reason tonight, and you’ll probably stay up later than usual, involved in an internet conversation that causes you to lose track of time.
KEEP IN MIND: You’ve just entered a learning cycle, so today, practice being the student instead of the teacher!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of DETERMINATION – “I act with confidence and determination, letting nothing stand in my way. I have faith that the Universe will move me forward on the path to fulfillment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Red, Number: 10)
SUNDAY: Expect the unexpected as the Sun moves into Aquarius for a four-week visit, generating a rebirth of mind and spirit. The Libra Moon could have you wearing your heart on your sleeve for all the world to see: The good news is, it will actually work in your favor! Be careful not to make promises or commitments to a loved one until you have more information, or, until you feel moved by Spirit to do so. That way, you won’t have to backtrack later.
KEEP IN MIND: You usually have a great balance between your thoughts and feelings, but today, your emotions will override intellect.