Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of REVISION – “I step back to get a clearer view of the future, asking Spirit to show me where revision is needed. Though my dreams are solid, the path to manifesting them is yet to be revealed.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lion, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
MONDAY: Be proactive! The Cancer Moon will remind you to stop and think about what you really want, and then to go for it. You might have to stop midday to help out a friend, but their troubles are just as important to you as the tasks at hand. Double check your financial records, as extra money is hiding between the lines. Your tarot card the Magician will give you the power and wisdom to bring the magic back into your life: All you have to do is open yourself up to the wonders that dwell within you.
KEEP IN MIND: Opportunity is all around you now; take a closer look and you’ll see what I mean!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of REVISION – “I step back to get a clearer view of the future, asking Spirit to show me where revision is needed. Though my dreams are solid, the path to manifesting them is yet to be revealed.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lion, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
TUESDAY: The Cancer Moon will inspire you to explore new avenues for bringing a current dream into reality. You can discover elusive information over the internet, even if you’ve already searched there in the past. The temptation to overindulge will be hard to resist, but consider the long-term effects before you do. Avoid spending money that hasn’t arrived yet, even if what you want happens to go on sale. Dress in green; it can help you maintain a tight grip on your finances.
KEEP IN MIND: Your biggest challenge will be resisting temptation; it seems it will come at you from all directions today!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of REVISION – “I step back to get a clearer view of the future, asking Spirit to show me where revision is needed. Though my dreams are solid, the path to manifesting them is yet to be revealed.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lion, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
WEDNESDAY: You’ll move through the world with optimism today, despite the chaos that surrounds you. Your plans for the weekend may appear to be falling apart, but things will right themselves by tomorrow, so don’t panic. You can release anger or fear through spiritual means, rather than confronting someone directly. Wear opals or moonstones when you meditate this evening, as they can offer you a glimpse into the future under the illuminating Cancer Moon.
KEEP IN MIND: Sit tight today, as by tomorrow, whatever conflicts you face today will completely turn around.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of REVISION – “I step back to get a clearer view of the future, asking Spirit to show me where revision is needed. Though my dreams are solid, the path to manifesting them is yet to be revealed.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lion, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
THURSDAY: Inspired by today’s Aquarius Sun, a love interest from your past could contact you unexpectedly, asking for a second chance. Nothing has changed though, and the Leo/Wolf full Moon will help you resist the urge to fall into an old trap. Your willingness to compromise with a loved one will be vital to creating greater harmony on the home front. Light red candles and let them bring out your passionate side this evening, whether your focus be on a loved one or a creative project.
KEEP IN MIND: Remember, it’s best to leave the past in the past and the future, in the future.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of REVISION – “I step back to get a clearer view of the future, asking Spirit to show me where revision is needed. Though my dreams are solid, the path to manifesting them is yet to be revealed.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lion, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
FRIDAY: The Aquarius Sun can bring plenty of help or information your way today; all you have to do is ask! Sit down and create a plan to streamline your schedule for the rest of the month to accommodate a major project that is about to pick up speed over the next two weeks. Then take the rest of the day off to rest and relax. Practice a new divination technique or gather friends for a seance tonight, inspired by the visionary Leo Moon.
KEEP IN MIND: Don’t waste a second fretting over a frustrating problem today; ask for help!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of REVISION – “I step back to get a clearer view of the future, asking Spirit to show me where revision is needed. Though my dreams are solid, the path to manifesting them is yet to be revealed.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lion, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
SATURDAY: You can forget about housework, as socializing will be your only priority when Mercury turns retrograde today. Think about hosting an impromptu party or get-together to reunite with friends and loved ones that have been hard to pin down over the last few months. Fun is the name of the game, and a good time is sure to be had by all! Meditate with a few blue candles under tonight’s Virgo Moon; they carry the power to increase clarity and expand your perception.
KEEP IN MIND: With the Sun cruising through Aquarius now, you’ll be all about the social side of life – have fun!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of REVISION – “I step back to get a clearer view of the future, asking Spirit to show me where revision is needed. Though my dreams are solid, the path to manifesting them is yet to be revealed.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lion, Color: Blue, Number: 12)
SUNDAY: Let your imagination run wild today, following any intuition or urge that comes your way. Your capacity for unconditional love will be at an all-time high, so remind everyone much you appreciate them. Keep your plans open and spontaneous to get the most out of all the unpredictable Aquarius energy in the heavens. Light myrrh incense or use essential oils tonight to coax psychic thoughts to the surface under the Virgo Moon.
KEEP IN MIND: Affection and appreciation should be your mantras today; let everyone know how much you care!