Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of IMAGINATION – “I nurture my soul through imagination and creative visualization, certain that what I dream I can bring to life. I ask Spirit to guide me in manifesting my greatest desires.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Purple, Number: 8)
MONDAY: You’re bound to get blocked first thing this morning, but your best bet is to avoid getting frustrated or trying to change it, as eventually, the delays will actually work in your favor! Your tarot card this week is the Hanged Man, which will enable you to maintain serenity when thoughtless people or outside influences stall your movements. Take some time to meditate on the future under the illuminating Taurus Moon.
KEEP IN MIND: Go with the flow today, even if you can’t figure out which way traffic is moving; just be thankful it’s moving!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of IMAGINATION – “I nurture my soul through imagination and creative visualization, certain that what I dream I can bring to life. I ask Spirit to guide me in manifesting my greatest desires.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Purple, Number: 8)
TUESDAY: Avoid being blunt or short with others today, or you’ll unintentionally hurt someone’s feelings. Your patience may be wearing thin, but a new sense of hope will emerge when you stop to review the progress you’ve made. The Taurus Moon could bring emotions to the surface when you find yourself in a no-win situation this evening; dress in black to help you practice a bit more objectivity and understanding. Then, turn things over to the Universe and relax!
KEEP IN MIND: Choose your battles wisely today, as there’s no reason to fight the intangible (and, un-win-able!)
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of IMAGINATION – “I nurture my soul through imagination and creative visualization, certain that what I dream I can bring to life. I ask Spirit to guide me in manifesting my greatest desires.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Purple, Number: 8)
WEDNESDAY: The Gemini Moon will awaken a longing within you to add more social activities to your calendar. Take note of a coworker who seems to be successful in all their efforts, and consider adopting some of their methods. Think positive when things don’t go your way tonight, as there is a gift hidden within the disappointment. Musk incense or essential oil will activate your romantic side, so light or diffuse some this evening and cuddle up with the one you love.
KEEP IN MIND: Every time you turn around today, surprises await, so keep your eyes and ears open.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of IMAGINATION – “I nurture my soul through imagination and creative visualization, certain that what I dream I can bring to life. I ask Spirit to guide me in manifesting my greatest desires.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Purple, Number: 8)
THURSDAY: The Gemini Moon will bring you into contact with your favorite people today, and in the process, you’re sure to hear a heartfelt compliment that brings a smile to your face. Take some time to attend to the disorder that’s grown up around you or to address a pressing concern with a loved one, as you go about restoring balance to your world. Give thanks for your blessings during your evening meditation, as appreciation for your current abundance is sure to generate more!
KEEP IN MIND: Clean up time! After the chaos of the week, you’ll finally get a chance to deal with the disorder it’s created.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of IMAGINATION – “I nurture my soul through imagination and creative visualization, certain that what I dream I can bring to life. I ask Spirit to guide me in manifesting my greatest desires.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Purple, Number: 8)
FRIDAY: That side of you that loves organization will come out today, so expect to find yourself sorting, purging, and doing a bit of de-cluttering in every area of your home under the Cancer Moon. Spend the afternoon in fun and light-hearted activities with your favorite people. Blue candles can add a deeper level of calm and serenity to your world, so light a few during your evening meditation and hand any trouble you have over to the Universe.
KEEP IN MIND: This is just your kind of day; a little putzing, a little de-cluttering, and a whole lot of fun with friends!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of IMAGINATION – “I nurture my soul through imagination and creative visualization, certain that what I dream I can bring to life. I ask Spirit to guide me in manifesting my greatest desires.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Purple, Number: 8)
SATURDAY: Life may have you running in ten different directions today, so pay attention and move with caution. You can never have too many friends, so make it a point to get out and meet new people this weekend. Dress in light blue, as it will enable you to express yourself openly and without fear under the Cancer Moon. You can also add a light blue candle to your meditation altar, which will make it easier to hear the messages Spirit sends your way tonight.
KEEP IN MIND: Scattered is a good way to describe this day; keep your wits about you!
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of IMAGINATION – “I nurture my soul through imagination and creative visualization, certain that what I dream I can bring to life. I ask Spirit to guide me in manifesting my greatest desires.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Purple, Number: 8)
SUNDAY: The Cancer Moon will scatter your direction today, so be prepared to practice flexibility and patience. If you block your emotions they’ll just come out sideways, so take the time to acknowledge and express your feelings. It’s time you free yourself from a commitment or project that has turned out to be a waste of time; it’s essential if you want to make room for more exciting endeavors! Topaz gemstones can increase your intuition, so meditate with one tonight.
KEEP IN MIND: Forget about being quiet today; tell the world how you really feel!