

Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of BOUNDARIES – “I restore inner peace through structure and limits. I set clear boundaries as a gift to myself, as well as those I share my life with.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Beaver, Color: Black, Number: 8)

MONDAY: Today’s Gemini full Moon/Lunar Eclipse will intuitively guide you to the information you’ve been searching for. Armed with the facts, you’ll be able to make some hard and fast decisions. An act of stubbornness on the part of a loved one could create tension, but will also inspire you to create new boundaries as Jupiter moves into Capricorn. Your tarot card the Hanged Man will remind you to consider things from all angles before charging headfirst into a new enterprise.

KEEP IN MIND: Set up some limits with yourself and loved ones; it’s the only way to cut through the confusion and chaos that’s been slowing your movements.


Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of BOUNDARIES – “I restore inner peace through structure and limits. I set clear boundaries as a gift to myself, as well as those I share my life with.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Beaver, Color: Black, Number: 8)

TUESDAY: Start your day off on the right foot by centering yourself with a mini-meditation under today’s Gemini Moon. Mercury will move into Sagittarius and add to your energy level, as well as inspiring creative ways to approach the mundane tasks on your list. You still have a few people to buy for; do a little shopping online to find the perfect holiday gifts. Try to get to bed early tonight, as the rest of the week will zip by in a flurry of activity.

KEEP IN MIND: Feeling bored? Frustrated? All you need to do is approach things from a creative angle to make your day brighter!


Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of BOUNDARIES – “I restore inner peace through structure and limits. I set clear boundaries as a gift to myself, as well as those I share my life with.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Beaver, Color: Black, Number: 8)

WEDNESDAY: The Cancer Moon will open doors to exciting opportunities today, as it increases your confidence levels and improves your outlook for the future. An offer of friendship could be loaded with expectations, so take things slowly and watch for inconsistencies before making any commitments. You’ll be inspired to take aggressive action to turn a situation around at work, and when you do, you’ll be applauded as the one who saved the day! Dress in blue to empower all your conversations.

KEEP IN MIND: You’re all about solutions today, and there’s no problem too big or too small for you to resolve with your brilliance!


Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of BOUNDARIES – “I restore inner peace through structure and limits. I set clear boundaries as a gift to myself, as well as those I share my life with.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Beaver, Color: Black, Number: 8)

THURSDAY: Nothing will move in the manner or speed you’d like today. Being impatient will only make matters worse, so step back and try to look at the bigger picture. Use the discerning power of the Cancer Moon to determine what it is you really want, and then consider how willing you are to do whatever it takes to get it. Don’t be thrown off by another’s bad mood; just let them sit in their feelings and do your own thing. Tonight, release the stress of the day with a centering meditation.

KEEP IN MIND: You’ll have to practice extra patience today, as nothing will go according to plan.


Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of BOUNDARIES – “I restore inner peace through structure and limits. I set clear boundaries as a gift to myself, as well as those I share my life with.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Beaver, Color: Black, Number: 8)

FRIDAY: Consider the areas in your life that have become cluttered or jammed with “stuff,” and start streamlining under the Leo Moon. This will help you to create a clean slate for the new year ahead. Take any information you run across today with a grain of salt, and sit with it until you learn more or receive solid validation. Musk incense or essential oils can improve your physical stamina and inspire the holiday spirit within, so burn or diffuse one or both during your evening meditation.

KEEP IN MIND: Time to do a mini-“new season” cleaning! Clear out the clutter in your house and invite Spirit to fill it with new things.


Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of BOUNDARIES – “I restore inner peace through structure and limits. I set clear boundaries as a gift to myself, as well as those I share my life with.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Beaver, Color: Black, Number: 8)

SATURDAY: Your head and heart will be filled with the holiday spirit today. One of your first new year resolutions should be to enhance your physical health with more exercise and sounder eating habits. There’s no reason you can’t start now, so add more green and yellow foods to your diet to increase your energy as well as your endurance. An unexpected phone call or email will add a bright note to your evening under the Leo Moon, as it reconnects you with one of your favorite people.

KEEP IN MIND: There’s no reason to put off till tomorrow what you can start today; go ahead and test out a few of your pending new year’s resolutions now.


Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Affirmation for this week of BOUNDARIES – “I restore inner peace through structure and limits. I set clear boundaries as a gift to myself, as well as those I share my life with.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Beaver, Color: Black, Number: 8)

SUNDAY: The Leo Moon will illuminate the pros and cons of a significant change you’re considering, making it easier to see the long-term outcomes of the decision. Though you have the funds for a large purchase, do a little more research before rushing off to the nearest store. Get a second opinion on a health or financial matter, as it will help you make a sound decision. Spend a few hours on the phone tonight, catching up with faraway friends and family.

KEEP IN MIND: Don’t rush headlong into anything today, or at least, not until you’ve passed it by someone else first!