Birthday Horoscopes by Susyn Blair-Hunt

May 1 – May 31, 2024

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 1
This will be a transformational year for you, as you release old ideas and start expressing a more authentic you. You can start by setting up new boundaries and disciplines to add stability and balance to your movements. A recent disappointment may have you considering a change in social connections, so try out a few new groups and see if they are a better fit. A new love interest could arrive on your doorstep over the next few months or, you’ll renew your commitments to a current partnership; either way, greater love will be a theme this year. A business trip or vacation will allow you to visit a place you’ve always wanted to experience. Your Taurus creativity will soar when you take on a redecorating project or move to a new home this year, thanks to your spirit guide the Peacock. Adopt emerald green as your power color, and watch it increase your earning potential all year long. Your lucky months will be June and October. Your lucky numbers are 7, 12, 21, 28 and 37.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 2
A relationship that’s been in turmoil for months will finally calm down, allowing you to restore balance to the connection over the next six weeks. Resist the urge to make any sudden job changes or personal moves, and stick by the commitments you’ve made through the remainder of the year. Your financial security returns by October, the result of disciplined efforts. Your generous Taurus nature could be thrown off balance if you don’t reserve time for yourself, so practice more self-awareness in your practice of give and take. Your spirit guide this year is the Squirrel, who’ll encourage you to conserve time, energy and funds for the future. You’ll reach optimum health over the next twelve months as you practice more dedication and mindfulness in your diet and exercise. Yellow can guarantee tangible success in all you do this year, so add lots of amber tones to your wardrobe and surroundings. Your lucky months will be June and October. Your lucky numbers are 1, 5, 17, 22 and 35.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 3
What appears to be a disappointment will turn out to be the answer to your prayers, so practice patience and trust for just a little while longer till the miracles happen! You’ll expand your family this year, which will add a new level of joy and happiness to your life, courtesy your spirit guide, the playful Otter. Your Taurus-Sized expectations of others needs to be tempered and adjusted to more realistic levels, so practice more acceptance and tolerance. Your work will take on an advisory tone over the next six months, as authority figures begin to recognize your keen ability to access details and specifics in record time. Endurance will be the key to overcoming a nagging health concern, so commit to the disciplines that will bring success and restore your physical wholeness. Red can promote change, so incorporate this transformational color into your wardrobe and surroundings this year. Your lucky months will be September and December. Your lucky numbers are 8, 13, 18, 20 and 30.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 4
This year, it’s time to turn the focus back on yourself and all you want to accomplish. Reorganize and reevaluate what is important to you, and use the discerning power of your spirit guide the Mouse to rid yourself of things that no longer serve you. You’ll support a friend or loved one through a trying ordeal over the next two months, which will build stronger bonds of connection between you. Your sense of responsibility to others will reach a new level when you become involved in volunteer work or a cause that is dear to your Taurus heart. Old issues from the past can be resolved once and for all through counseling or a willingness to share your memories with a trusted friend or spiritual advisor. You are ready to let go of a job that no longer fulfills you; take a leap of faith and begin searching for a better one. Surround yourself in yellow, as it carries the power to increase your confidence and add energy to all you do. Your lucky months will be September and December. Your lucky numbers are 10, 16, 18, 29 and 34.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 5
The limitations you’ve been under will begin to lift over the next two months and allow you to move more freely for the remainder of the year. Your ability to share openly with others, along with your Taurus flair for entertaining, will attract new and supportive friendships into your life this year. As your financial stability increases, you’ll experience more comfort as you start to enjoy the material success you’ve been building. If you’ll embrace green as your power color this year, money troubles will become a thing of the past. Counseling or a study in self-awareness can rid you of old mindsets that tend to undermine your progress. Start saving now for a trip you’d like to take next spring, and you’ll have more than enough to manifest the vacation of a lifetime. An unexpected shift at work will ultimately create an opportunity for advancement, thanks to your spirit guide, the Horse. Your lucky months will be September and January. Your lucky numbers are 2, 7, 12, 14 and 16.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 6
Your ability to adapt to any situation will put you on a new path to success this year, thanks to your spirit guide, the Chameleon. You’ll secure your financial future when you take a leap of faith this year. A relationship plays a key role in your plans to relocate or change jobs, as you join forces with another. The opportunity to practice your Taurus generosity and problem-solving skills will arise at work and could result in a promotion or bonus in the process. The loss of a friendship will inspire you to seek out new acquaintances, with wonderful results. Change your approach to a health problem by finding your own solution, rather than depending on the advice of others. Surround yourself in blue this year, as this color adds a charm your words and actions that will make them more persuasive and powerful. Travel is highlighted in December when you travel to a faraway place to reunite with loved ones. Your lucky months will be June and December. Your lucky numbers are 3, 5, 10, 25 and 38.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 7
The secret to making all your dreams comes true dwells within, so start exploring spiritual pathways to success. The freedom to make your own decisions carries increased responsibility, but you’re willing to pay the price. You’ll offer someone a more intimate glimpse of who you are this month, which will strengthen the relationship between you. Your Taurus communication skills can be enhanced by sharing from the heart, encouraged your spirit guide this year, the Lion. Now is the time to ask for that raise or promotion you’ve been hoping for. You’ll finally attain a personal goal near the end of this year, in the form of a trip or purchase you’ve always promised you’d give yourself “someday.” Seek out a professional to deal with a medical or legal problem that continues to defy resolution. Yellow will serve as your power color this year, so surround yourself in it to generate higher energy and greater confidence. Your lucky months will be May and January. Your lucky numbers are 4, 6, 15, 16 and 22.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 8
The opportunities that come your way this year will refresh your outlook on life and encourage you to reach for dreams you once thought impossible. Spiritual practices can help you reclaim your sense of worthiness, freeing you to express more of your Taurus strength and confidence in all you do. Your spirit guide the Dragonfly will encourage you to rely on your intuition over facts, and its guidance can take you where you want to go in matters of the heart. As you develop stronger and more consistent communication skills with loved ones, you’ll be able to create the relationships you want. To build more financial stability, consider specialized training or higher education. You’ll be on a lucky streak in January when the money you need for a vacation or large purchase appears. Adopt blue as your power color, and add it to your surroundings to increase mental clarity, as this hue can empower all you say and do. Your lucky months will be July and October. Your lucky numbers are 2, 3, 6, 12 and 20.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 9
This is the year you’ll move out of the shadows and into the spotlight, where you can show off your Taurus gift of entertaining and artistic talents. You’ll be inspired to take more risks and expand your world through new friendships, involvement in community groups, and travel to unusual places. Your spirit guide the Elk will help you maintain your balance and daily disciplines, as well as protecting you from being overwhelmed or committing yourself to more than you can handle. Sign up for a class or training seminar to add more momentum and focus on your career goals. Your finances will improve, affording you to take a long vacation for the first time in years. Donate your time or talents to a worthy cause, and consider mentoring someone who is eager to follow in your footsteps. Your power color will be purple, so incorporate this color into your world and watch it raise your psychic powers to new heights this year. Your lucky months will be May and August. Your lucky numbers are 2, 6, 14, 23 and 29.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 10
The people you who cross your path over the next twelve months will expand your horizons and inspire you to look at life from an entirely new angle. With the Butterfly as your spirit guide, soaring to new heights will be a breeze, no matter where you put your focus. All the partnerships you form this year have the power to last, as long as you’re willing to keep the lines of communication open. A career change or promotion could move you into a position of greater financial stability and will showcase more of your natural Taurus talents. Join a creative group where you can showcase your artistic skills. This can also provide you with the opportunity to meet new people who carry similar interests and values. Adopt black as your power color this year, as it will help you to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground while your imagination dances in the clouds. Plan a trip to a faraway place, and ask the Universe will provide the funds for it. Your lucky months will be August and October. Your lucky numbers are 4, 7, 15, 19, and 20.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 11
The limitations you’ve been under will begin to lift over the next two months and allow you to move more freely for the remainder of the year. Your ability to share openly with others, along with your Taurus flair for entertaining, will attract new and supportive friendships into your life this year. As your financial stability increases, you’ll experience more comfort as you start to enjoy the material success you’ve been building. If you’ll embrace green as your power color this year, money troubles will become a thing of the past. Counseling or a study in self-awareness can rid you of old mindsets that tend to undermine your progress. Start saving now for a trip you’d like to take next spring, and you’ll have more than enough to manifest the vacation of a lifetime. An unexpected shift at work will ultimately create an opportunity for advancement, thanks to your spirit guide, the Horse. Your lucky months will be September and January. Your lucky numbers are 2, 7, 12, 14 and 16.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 12
This year, it’s time to turn the focus back on yourself and all you want to accomplish. Reorganize and reevaluate what is important to you, and use the discerning power of your spirit guide the Mouse to rid yourself of things that no longer serve you. You’ll support a friend or loved one through a trying ordeal over the next two months, which will build stronger bonds of connection between you. Your sense of responsibility to others will reach a new level when you become involved in volunteer work or a cause that is dear to your Taurus heart. Old issues from the past can be resolved once and for all through counseling or a willingness to share your memories with a trusted friend or spiritual advisor. You are ready to let go of a job that no longer fulfills you; take a leap of faith and begin searching for a better one. Surround yourself in yellow, as it carries the power to increase your confidence and add energy to all you do. Your lucky months will be September and December. Your lucky numbers are 10, 16, 18, 29 and 34.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 13
All your dreams will take flight this year, thanks to your spirit guide the Eagle. Your Taurus gift of gab will lead you into new social circles with ease, and open doors to surprising opportunities. Romance and adventure will be a theme this year, whether you’re pursuing a partnership or new horizons to explore. Be more alert to intuitive messages, and increase the spiritual practices that will bring you greater inner wholeness. Mistakes from the past can hold valuable information when you view them from a more objective perspective, encouraged by your spirit guide this year, the Hawk. Acceptance and understanding are the way out of a repeating cycle of conflict in your personal relationships. Your finances will experience highs and lows, so keep extra cash in a special savings account to fill in the gaps. Adopt green as your power color this year, as it can open your heart wider and attract wonderful new people into your midst. Your lucky months will be August and November. Your lucky numbers are 1, 7, 11, 24 and 47.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 14
What appears to be a disappointment turns out to be the answer to your dreams, so don’t quit before the miracles happen! You’ll expand your family this year, which will add a new level of joy and happiness to your life, courtesy your spirit guide, the playful Hummingbird. Your expectations of others needs to be tempered and adjusted to more realistic levels, so practice more acceptance and tolerance. Your work will take a turn upward over the next six months, as authority figures begin to recognize your keen Taurus ability to access details and specifics in record time. This is the year you address a nagging health concern and commit to the disciplines that will bring success and restore your physical wholeness. Green can promote change, so incorporate this transformational color into your wardrobe and surroundings this year. Your lucky months will be July and October. Your lucky numbers are 7, 14, 19, 22 and 37.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 15
Take a more aggressive approach to your goals this year and you’ll be able to manifest all that’s eluded you in the past. Look at where you can reorganize your finances to stop unnecessary drains on your money. A promotion at work will offer you the chance to use more of your Taurus organizational skills and could land you in the spotlight more than once this year. Your spirit guide the Hawk will raise your awareness and intuition, prompting you to investigate new ways to develop your psychic skills. You may be faced with a difficult decision over the next two months, but following your heart is the best way to go. Your creativity will soar under the influence of a new teacher who enters your life this September. Yellow carries the power to heal emotions and restore you to optimum health, so add it to your wardrobe and surroundings for increased energy and confidence. You’ll take a leap of faith in November, with astounding results! Your lucky months will be August and November. Your lucky numbers are 10, 15, 17, 21 and 34.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 16
You’ll feel empowered when you practice more spiritual and self-nurturing ways this year, encouraged by your spirit guide, the Ant. Keep the focus on you to restore your inner serenity, and quit worrying about things you have no control over. Your willingness to be honest with others can build stronger ties in your personal relationships, and allow you to create the loving connections you long for. Finances begin to stabilize by October, freeing you from the restrictive budget you’ve been under. Your Taurus knack for directing people will move you up the career ladder, and you could find yourself in an entirely new position before the end of summer. A health problem you’ve been fighting should be addressed by a professional; together you’ll both find a simple solution to eliminate it once and for all. The color purple can boost your clarity and psychic abilities, so surround yourself with this metaphysical color. Your lucky months will be June and October. Your lucky numbers are 1, 6, 8, 12, and 16.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 17
You stand at a major crossroads now, where the choices you make this year will lead to your greatest dreams. Make a list of your goals for the future, and then start acting on them. Your Taurus organizational skills will come in handy as more responsibilities are added to your plate. A change in your family dynamics will take some adjustment, but by October, things will balance out and return to normal. Someone from your past will reach out to reconnect with you, reviving a friendship that provides you a confidant to express your deepest feelings and thoughts with. Update your appearance or wardrobe with lighter and more calming colors, to reflect the beautiful and loving energy of your spirit guide this year, the Dove. Health issues can be eliminated with a change in diet, along with holistic methods to accelerate healing. Adopt orange as your power color, as it will add more creativity and confidence to all you do this year. Your lucky months will be September and December. Your lucky numbers are 3, 5, 15, 27 and 39.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 18
Cultivate a more open mind and heart this year by exploring new spiritual practices and better ways of living through group involvement. A career change will be the key to gaining more financial stability, so consider what actions can move you up the ladder of success. Your spirit guide the Lion will enable you to move with more strength and assertiveness, as you take the reins and become the architect of your own destiny. Your relationships will prosper this year as you devote more time to connecting with loved ones. Make a few small changes to your surroundings to generate new flows of creativity, as it can dissolve stagnant energy that has been holding you back. Your Taurus nature loves to throw a party, so make entertaining a priority this year. The color black can promote greater psychic powers, so add touches of it to your world with gemstones and clothing and you’ll be able to access more intuitive guidance. Your lucky months will be October and January. Your lucky numbers are 6, 8, 14, 16 and 28.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 19
Forward motion resumes this year and you can finally make progress. The insights you’ve gained through last year’s struggles will help you move into the future with more freedom and confidence. When a financial upset occurs this summer, your Taurus tenacity will get you back on track in the shortest time possible. You can connect with loved ones and family members on more intimate levels if you’ll simply spending more time with them this year. You’ll move one step closer to a career goal through advanced education, inspired by your spirit guide, the wise and determined Owl. You’ll get the opportunity to travel more this year, which could require making adjustments to your schedule and budget. Discipline will be key to overcoming any health problems that challenge you, as they are of your own making. Adopt orange as your power color this year, adding touches of it to your wardrobe and home to boost your creativity. Your lucky months will be September and December. Your lucky numbers are 5, 9, 13, 25 and 31.

Taurus Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 20
Unexpected money will come your way more than once this year, paving the way to an easier time financially. Vow to spend more quality time with family and friends to restore loving connections with those closest to you. You’ll find work responsibilities increasing, which will make it a challenge to remain balanced. Thankfully, your spirit guide the Lynx can help you to keep up with all the changes. You’ll reconnect with an old friend mid-November and renew a valued relationship. A job change or relocation could come up for consideration this year and offer you a fresh start, financially as well as career-wise. Promise yourself you’ll spend more time on creative pursuits or personal interests this year, that nourish your Taurus love of the creative, to feel more centered and fulfilled. Surround yourself with white this year, as it can add a dose of high energy and infuse all your efforts with spiritual power. Your lucky months will be July and November. Your lucky numbers are 8, 14, 18, 21 and 26.

Gemini Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 21
Your birthday marks the start of a new cycle, one that promises great success and advancement this year. The opportunity to advance in your career will appear within the next two months, moving you out of a rut and into more fulfilling work. When you befriend someone who needs a confidence boost, you’ll increase yours at the same time. You can operate under a more flexible budget this year, which will allow for some impromptu adventures or mini-trips designed to reawaken your Gemini love of exploration. Your spirit guide will be the Frog, who’ll encourage you to cleanse and heal from the past by exploring more advanced spiritual practices and study. You’ll begin to attract people who have a greater appreciation for your gifts and charming company, which will encourage you to share more openly with them. White carries the power to strengthen your intuitive gifts, so add it to your surroundings and wardrobe this year. Your lucky months will be August and December. Your lucky numbers are 2, 15, 21, 29 and 33.

Gemini Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 22
Your Gemini tenacity will generate a new career or second source of income this year, which will bring recognition of your talents and stabilize your finances. If you’ll become more mindful of how your actions are affecting others and your relationships will prosper. Your spirit guide the Lizard will encourage you to dream big, and then act on those visions, with wonderful results. A luxury purchase or vacation that you’ve delayed due to financial restrictions could become a reality this year, a wonderful reminder to you that good things come to those who wait. Attend some spiritually focused seminars or classes to learn new ways of increasing your intuitive and psychic gifts. Add a creative activity to your schedule or take up a new sport to revive your creative side and improve your health. Green will be your power color this year, so add it to your world with plants or gemstones to generate an air of abundance around you. Your lucky months will be July and September. Your lucky numbers are 1, 7, 14, 25 and 31.

Gemini Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 23
No detail will escape your keen Gemini eye this year, which will make you a vital force on the work as well as the home front. Unexpected changes have a way of turning out for the best, so keep your focus on the moment and accept the fact of life that nothing stays the same. A spiritual perspective can help you to keep your eye on the bigger picture, so use the power of your spirit guide the Ant to pace yourself. As your thinking becomes more global, don’t be surprised if you find yourself volunteering to help with causes involving young children or animals. Others will seek you out for trusted advice more often, based on your ability to see things objectively. You’ll plan a dream vacation this year, and finally, make it a reality! The color blue can add strength to all your communications, so adopt it as your power color and incorporate it into your surroundings and wardrobe. Your lucky months will be June and October. Your lucky numbers are 5, 6, 12, 24 and 30.

Gemini Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 24
The cycle you are about to enter will bring greater opportunity for spiritual advancement, self-nurturing, and personal pursuits. You’ll move with conviction, as your Gemini heart insists you take many leaps of faith this year. You may experience a loss this summer, but it will be replaced with something better by autumn. Your ability to see things with fairness and objectivity will put you into the position of advisor for friends and family this year, thanks to your spirit guide the Owl. A move or relocation could help you to get out from under a major financial burden, and in the end, will add more stability to your world. Don’t fret over a sudden change at work, as it eventually will produce a more ideal environment to work in, or even better, an advance in your career. Turquoise will protect your movements and physical being, so make it your power color this year, adding touches of it to your wardrobe and surroundings. Your lucky months will be June and November. Your lucky numbers are 3, 12, 19, 23 and 38.

Gemini Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 25
Your focus will be on restoring balance to all areas of your life this year, with great success. Relationships will improve considerably if you’ll enlist the aid of a professional to discover the source of the troubles and a workable solution to address them. In order to improve a challenging work situation you’ll have to change your attitude, so accept things as they are rather than trying to change them. Your spirit guide the Dove will add more peace and tranquility to all you do, as it inspires you to immerse yourself in spiritual practices that empower you. You can restore financial stability with a small loan or second job to make up the shortages. Try a new sport or hobby to provide you with an outlet for expressing your Gemini agility, which will help you to build more physical endurance in the process. The color aqua can bring out your hidden psychic powers, so add touches if it to your wardrobe and surroundings this year. Your lucky months will be September and January. Your lucky numbers are 2, 7, 20, 22 and 35.

Gemini Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 26
Your creativity will soar this year, and communicating your passions to others will come easily thanks to your spirit guide, the Eagle. You’ll add to your friendships through new social circles, offering you a new venue in which to share your endless Gemini wealth of knowledge. You are ready to move to the next level in your career, so enhance your resume by taking on a challenging project at work that can put you in a position for advancement. You’ll seek out alternative methods to address a long-standing health problem, opting for holistic or homeopathic remedies for natural healing, with amazing results. The quickest way to bring hidden talents to the surface is through a class or workshop designed to inspire your artistic side. Choose red as your power color this year and add it to your wardrobe and surroundings to help you make great strides in your physical as well as financial well-being. Your lucky months will be July and October. Your lucky numbers are 8, 19, 26, 31 and 46.

Gemini Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 27
Balance and consistency will be vital to your success over the coming year, as you become more aware of subtle actions or thoughts that have hindered your progress in the past. You’ll investigate new spiritual practices over the next six months, which will lead you to a greater understanding of yourself and others. You’ll start to pursue dreams that have been on hold for the last two years, thanks to your spirit guide, the Dragonfly. Your finances could be subject to unexpected shifts over the next six months, so make sure you keep a surplus of money on hand to accommodate the downtimes. You’ll investigate your options and become more confident in your search for a more purpose-filled career, which could land you in a new job before the end of the year. Green will be your power color this year, so add touches of it to your wardrobe and surroundings this year, as it can create the abundance you seek. Your lucky months will be June and November. Your lucky numbers are 1, 2, 17, 29 and 30.

Gemini Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 28
New friendships will enter your life this year, providing wonderful opportunities to experience new ideas, places, and activities. The Gemini in you will discover more prolific ways to make and manage your money, in your quest to regain your financial stability. The Beaver will serve as your spirit guide this year, and you’ll become empowered to build stronger foundations for the future, both physically and spiritually. A gift of money will fall into your lap this October, and you’ll be able to use it to establish a nest egg for the future or take a long dreamed of vacation. This December, a career opportunity could come your way through a friend, and you’ll be more than tempted to jump on this once-in-a-lifetime chance to take on more fulfilling work. Yellow can increase your confidence, so surround yourself with this color with fabric, art, and candles as you pursue your greatest dreams this year. Your lucky months will be August and November. Your lucky numbers are 3, 15, 24, 29 and 31.

Gemini Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 29
The efforts you’ve been making to improve your life will show progress now, as things fall into place and balance returns. The demands on your time will continue to increase, so be faithful to disciplines that keep you centered mentally, emotionally and spiritually. You have a penchant for making lists, which are vital to helping stabilize your Gemini mind and eliminate worry. Set aside a committed time for meditation each day to help you to avoid overextending yourself or stressing out. A relationship from your past could appear near the end of this year and you’ll have a second chance to fan the flames of attraction. In fact, new relationships of all kinds will be in the cards this year, as you move beyond established connections to seek out more supportive friends. Embrace white as your power color this year; add it to your wardrobe and surroundings to infuse spiritual power into all you do. Your lucky months will be August and October. Your lucky numbers are 2, 8, 14, 28 and 40.

Gemini Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 30
Positive movement will be a theme this year, requiring that you stay closely connected with Spirit to access the guidance and direction you’ll need. Love will deepen as you focus on being truer to yourself. You’ll build more stability in your life by joining forces with others, rather than attempting to do it all yourself. Your spirit guide the Deer will remind you to be more gentle with yourself, and with others. Practice the art of “being”, rather than trying to force issues to turn out the way you’d like, and you’ll see things work out much better than you imagine. Volunteer your time or experience as a way to satisfy your Gemini desire for a higher purpose. Health issues will have to be addressed by a professional to eliminate them in the most effective way possible. The color green can fill your heart and spirit with unconditional love, so surround yourself with houseplants, fabrics, and artwork of this life-giving color. Your lucky months will be July and September. Your lucky numbers are 5, 16, 25, 27 and 29.

Gemini Horoscopes Your Birthday Forecast – May 31
Your world will be filled with new experiences, karmic surprises, and the potential for advancement in every level of your life, thanks to your spirit guide, the transformational Swan. Discipline and organization are essential as you enter a cycle of high activity, so use your Gemini talents to establish order and a more balanced schedule. You’ll add more beauty into your home with a redecorating project that will reflect your personal style and attention to detail. You could find yourself traveling to a foreign country this year, which will enable you to experience a new culture first hand. You’ll be on a lucky streak in June when unexpected gifts will fall from the heavens right into your arms. Your personal relationships will grow closer as you invest more time and attention in them. Adopt pink as your power color this year, and add it to your wardrobe and surroundings to attract more love and joy into your world. Your lucky months will be September and November. Your lucky numbers are 5, 7, 14, 17 and 31.

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