Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of SENSES – “I use all my senses to experience the world, expanding my life through touch, taste, smell, and sight. In this way, I allow Spirit to channel the purest form of energy through me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Fox, Color: Yellow, Number: 3)

THURSDAY: Your relationships can only get better when you dedicate specific time to the important people in your life under today’s heart-based Sagittarius Moon. Honest conversations can make you feel better, but be selective about whom you share a confidence with, as someone could indiscriminately repeat what you tell them. Burn some patchouli incense or diffuse essential oils during your evening meditation to restore your inner balance and cast a calming aura over you.

KEEP IN MIND: Practice the art of discretion today, or the secrets you share could end up on the evening news!