Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of VISION – “I move into a season of growth with renewed vision. Maintaining a spiritual perspective allows me to access my higher purpose and place in the world.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Raven, Color: White, Number: 6)

THURSDAY: You’ll be inspired to connect with friends of a spiritual nature as Venus moves into Aries today, to discuss ideas, personal experiences, and theories about the mystical and the unexplained. Be attentive to your movements to avoid mishaps, and rely on the grounding energy of the Aries Sun to keep you safe and on course. Put your all-time favorite CD on the stereo this evening; if you listen closely under the Aquarius Moon, you’ll hear it in a brand new way!

KEEP IN MIND: Your head will be in the clouds today, so take care when dealing with those annoying day-to-day responsibilities that just have to be done.