Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of FORTUNE – “I view each day as a miracle. As I carry this mindset, fortune and good luck seems to follow me wherever I go.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

THURSDAY: You may feel restricted today as outer movement stalls and you’ll have no choice but to turn inward. Patchouli incense or essential oils can help you regain your patience and clarity of thought, so burn or diffuse some throughout the day. What has worked for others may not work for you, so look for alternative solutions to address a cyclic problem under the Virgo Moon. If you find it difficult to sleep tonight, place a turquoise stone under your pillow to help you relax.

KEEP IN MIND: There’s no way to get around the blocks that rise up today, so don’t waste a lot of time trying. Instead, let Spirit do the driving.