Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of PARTNERSHIP – “I join in partnership with others to expand my options and life as the new year begins. I maintain inner balance through my interactive connections.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Green, Number: 6)
FRIDAY: Lemons, lemonade; yes, you know the drill. You might not be in the mood to do much today, but duty calls. Take heart though, as you can access the clutter-clearing power of the Virgo Moon to tackle chores and restore order to your surroundings. That way, you’ll have a clear path as you move into the weekend, and thanks to some prep work you did the last two weeks, you’re certain to make great progress. Leave your evening open, and make spontaneity your mantra.
KEEP IN MIND: What you accomplish today will dictate how much freedom you have for the remaining days of the year, so quit whining and get to it!