Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of SELF-AWARENESS – “Through journaling and meditation, I can see where change is needed. Self-awareness provides the spiritual confidence I need to move bravely into the future.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Red, Number: 5)

SATURDAY: Someone may throw a wrench in your plans under today’s Scorpio Moon, which could result in frustration or anger. If you step back for a time to gain a better perspective, you’ll discover the higher purpose behind the changes. Wear white today, as it can help you stay in the moment and be more aware of the miracles that surround you. You’ll be ready to go the extra mile for a friend or family member this evening, and they’ll be ever so grateful!

KEEP IN MIND: Don’t get upset when your plans change first thing this morning; the fact is, Spirit has a much better day in mind!