Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of REFLECTION – “I reflect on the past, reclaiming lost passions and releasing unrealized ideals. I look to a future that promises more freedom, success, and contentment.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Red, Number: 10)

SATURDAY: Wear white to help you maintain your serenity so you’ll be ready for anything that comes your way as Venus resumes forward motion today. Alternating between work and play will bring you the greatest satisfaction, and actually, make you more productive. Find a way to compromise with a loved one; it’s the only way to restore harmony on the home front. The Capricorn Moon will encourage you to redesign your future tonight, so meditate on your dreams and be open to receiving new directions.

KEEP IN MIND: Don’t dig in your heels when it comes to loved ones; compromise will work in both your favors!