Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of DESTINY – “I can change my current circumstances by acting with intent. Spiritual practices will reveal new avenues for me to follow, as they affirm the power I possess to create my own destiny.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Owl, Color: Red, Number: 5)

SUNDAY: When you choose to be happy rather than right, you can avert a number of conflicts with loved ones. You should focus on activities that lift your spirits and stir your creativity under the Capricorn full Moon. You’ll be inspired to speak more openly about your beliefs, whether people ask your opinion or not! Myrrh incense or essential oils can raise your passion for a new project you’re preparing to start next week, so light or diffuse some this evening while you meditate on the details.

KEEP IN MIND: No one has an interest in (nor the ability to) read your mind, so today, speak up!