Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of ACCEPTANCE – “I surrender to current limitations and increase my faith in the Universe. When I accept what is, I give Spirit permission to move me forward to all that could be.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dove, Color: Blue, Number: 2)

MONDAY: The Gemini Sun will remind you that it’s time to eliminate some old thought patterns or habits that are contributing to the blocks you keep encountering. You’ll feel a sense of peace regarding any endings that are in process under the Leo Moon, as they hint at new connections of the heart and soul coming your way. Your tarot card this week will be Transformation, offering you the chance to change any aspects of your life that have become blocked or stagnant.

KEEP IN MIND: You’ll have to let go of what you have if you want to get what you long for.