Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of SPIRITUALITY – “I move with balance, truth, and understanding, allowing my actions to reflect my spiritual values. When I act faithfully in each moment, I create a fulfilling and heart-centered life.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Wolf, Color: Silver, Number: 11)
TUESDAY: You’ll approach all you do with speed and precision under today’s Aquarius Moon, but keep in mind that any project can be completed more efficiently (and less expensively) if you’ll simply ask for help. A heart-to-heart discussion may inspire you to make an important commitment to a loved one today, as you are finally ready to move things to the next level. Burn sage incense or diffuse essential oils before bed to clear away any negative energy you’re experiencing.
KEEP IN MIND: DIY projects can be fun if you know what you’re doing, but today, leave a minor household repair to the experts.