Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of AFFECTION – “I show my affection freely, embracing life and people with an open heart. I share hope, support, and unconditional love with all those around me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Otter, Color: Purple, Number: 3)

SATURDAY: You can procrastinate all you want, but your chores aren’t going anywhere! With the Virgo Moon backing you, you can make great headway if you start first thing this morning and pace yourself throughout the day. Add natural foods to your diet to improve your memory and encourage quick thinking. Start up a conversation with someone you hardly know online or in person this evening; you could make a valuable new friend!

KEEP IN MIND: You’ve got the “I don’t want to” blues today, but once you make a start, you’ll get in the spirit!