Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of PREPARATION – “I put closure to the past and prepare for a rebirth, ready to enter a new cycle of joy, success, and attainment. With spiritual support, the possibilities ahead are endless.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Ant, Color: Aqua, Number: 10)
SATURDAY: Your psychic abilities will soar under today’s Aquarius Moon, so use them to your advantage! Try your hand at a little channeling, clairvoyance, or Tarot, and see what you can discover. A major transformation is in the cards for you over the next few weeks, romantically as well as financially! Rain incense or essential oils can help you clear a path to the future, so burn or diffuse some and keep the focus on your dreams during your evening meditation.
KEEP IN MIND: Your emotions will be all over the map today. Using Spirit as your compass, it won’t take long to figure out that amazing changes are headed your way!