Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of DREAMS – “As new visions come into view, I renew my commitments to the future. Spiritual guidance will open the door to attainment as I continue to pursue the dreams of my heart.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lizard, Color: Red, Number: 5)
FRIDAY: It’s time to close the door on the past and prepare for new beginnings today, so finish up any lingering projects and start making plans for the future. There are a few phone calls and some paperwork you’ve been putting off; clear those things off your to-do list as well! It’s okay to say no to a request you are uncomfortable with, so honor your intuition and simply decline. This evening, touch base with Spirit and ask for guidance for the future under the Capricorn Moon.
KEEP IN MIND: Your motto today is “Just do it!” Get those lingering projects finished up and clear a path to the new season ahead!