Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of ROMANCE – “I practice the art of romantic living, surrounding myself with beauty and harmony. I indulge my senses to raise my awareness and breathe new life into all aspects of my being.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Peacock, Color: Green, Number: 9)
WEDNESDAY: Innovative thoughts and ideas will flood your mind all day long, thanks to the visionary powers of the Aries Moon. You may not be able to act on any of them immediately, so write them down for future reference. Take extra precautions when you travel, as people will alter their movements without notice. Engage in a little internet research tonight, and you may discover that a friend from your past is only an email away!
KEEP IN MIND: People are on a racecourse to their destinations today; do your best to stay out of their way!