Pisces Horoscopes


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of SELF-NURTURING – “I am learning new ways to care for myself. Self-nurturing strengthens my esteem, builds confidence and enables me to be the best I can be.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

MONDAY: You may be feeling envious of what others have, but your discomfort is based in illusion rather than fact. When you run into a conflict at work, the Virgo Moon will help you remain focused on the facts. New levels of intimacy can be yours under the influence of your tarot card the Empress, if you’ll simply become more open about sharing your feelings.

WATCH OUT FOR: scattered thoughts and inattentive movement
AIM FOR: focusing on the facts and sharing your feelings
KEEP IN MIND: If you’re feeling disconnected from the ones you love today, take the first step and reach out to them in affectionate ways.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of SELF-NURTURING – “I am learning new ways to care for myself. Self-nurturing strengthens my esteem, builds confidence and enables me to be the best I can be.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

TUESDAY: You’ll intuitively know what changes need to be made under today’s illuminating Virgo Moon, which will rid you of some of the worry that’s been hanging over you. Eat green foods, as they can open your heart and spirit more fully to the adventures that lie ahead. You could meet with some financial troubles this evening; enlist the aid of a close friend to help you look over them. Together, you can come up with a fast and effective solution.

WATCH OUT FOR: worry and financial trouble
AIM FOR: changing your actions and asking for help
KEEP IN MIND: Consider the troubles that visit you today as a not-so-subtle hint from the Universe that it’s time to make some changes.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of SELF-NURTURING – “I am learning new ways to care for myself. Self-nurturing strengthens my esteem, builds confidence and enables me to be the best I can be.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

WEDNESDAY: Change is in the air, so it’s more important than ever to determine your priorities. Wear or carry a blue topaz or lapis lazuli to help you to maintain balance as you move through a scattered day. You’ll long to hang out with the people you care about under tonight’s Libra Moon, so consider an impromptu get-together to reconnect and exchange fresh ideas. During your evening meditation, focus on gratitude and abundance.

WATCH OUT FOR: scattered movements and lack of direction
AIM FOR: balance and social interaction
KEEP IN MIND: You’ve got a lot to be grateful for today; remember to thank Spirit for all the abundance in your life.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of SELF-NURTURING – “I am learning new ways to care for myself. Self-nurturing strengthens my esteem, builds confidence and enables me to be the best I can be.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

THURSDAY: Give yourself the gift of time under today’s Libra Moon and lighten your schedule so you can move with carefree abandon. Thanks to the Cancer Sun, you’ll be inspired to restore your physical balance with outdoor activities or extra rest. Two different social events will be on the agenda for this evening; with a little planning, you may able to attend both. Time spent with Spirit can help erase any doubt or worry you’re carrying, so turn your concerns over to the Universe during your evening meditation.

WATCH OUT FOR: health imbalances and unfounded worry
AIM FOR: taking care of your body and trusting Spirit with your concerns
KEEP IN MIND: Make today all about you; restore your inner and outer balance with exercise, rest and time with Spirit.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of SELF-NURTURING – “I am learning new ways to care for myself. Self-nurturing strengthens my esteem, builds confidence and enables me to be the best I can be.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

FRIDAY: Your pride and impatience will surface under this morning’s Scorpio Moon, making it difficult to accept current situations. Staying focused in each moment is the ideal way to maintain your balance. Journal or meditate midday to revive your joy and vitality. Take things easy this afternoon, drifting from task to task and resting when you can. Reserve time this evening for a chat with a close friend, where you can compare notes and take a much needed stroll down memory lane.

WATCH OUT FOR: pride and impatience
AIM FOR: a midday spiritual “pick-me-up” and sharing fond memories
KEEP IN MIND: Acceptance is the key to moving past any emotional blocks you run into this morning; give up your pride or you’ll waste a perfectly wonderful day!


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of SELF-NURTURING – “I am learning new ways to care for myself. Self-nurturing strengthens my esteem, builds confidence and enables me to be the best I can be.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

SATURDAY: Honoring your commitments could be a challenge today, as distractions or unexpected shifts will tend to throw you off course. Take the time to make a gratitude list under today’s Scorpio Moon to restore your emotional balance. Get a second opinion before making a financial decision regarding money, just so you know all the facts. Listening to new age or instrumental music before bedtime will encourage intuitive and prophetic messages to emerge through your dreams.

WATCH OUT FOR: envy and emotional imbalance
AIM FOR: expressing gratitude and asking for another’s opinion
KEEP IN MIND: It’s easy to look around and see what others have that you don’t, which can only promote negative thinking. Counteract envy by making a gratitude list; you’ll be amazed at how long it is!


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of SELF-NURTURING – “I am learning new ways to care for myself. Self-nurturing strengthens my esteem, builds confidence and enables me to be the best I can be.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Dog, Color: Blue, Number: 12)

SUNDAY: The Sun’s entry into Leo will have your mind racing all day long, as new ideas and options appear in rapid succession. Resist the urge to listen to or pass on gossip or unverified information you hear under today’s Sagittarius Moon, as it’s sure to come back to haunt you. You could run across forgotten money when you clear out a closet or drawer tonight; consider it karmic payment for your willingness to clean house!

WATCH OUT FOR: distractions and repeating gossip
AIM FOR: spiritual balance and restoring order to your world
KEEP IN MIND: Even if the rumors you hear today are true, it’s better if someone else passes them on (while you maintain your integrity).