

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of JOY – “I turn worry and frustration over to the Universe and live joyfully in each moment. I practice spiritual consciousness, allowing things to unfold as they will.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

MONDAY: Your advice to someone else will serve you as well today, as the insights you share generate personal clarity for you both! The Cancer Sun will promote personal growth, as it eliminates unfounded fear and encourages you to express your deepest feelings. Keep your evening flexible so you can accept a last-minute invitation that comes your way under the Virgo Moon. Your tarot card the Wheel of Fortune promises great success when you take a chance on luck or love this week!

KEEP IN MIND: You’re quick to give advice to someone else, but are you willing to take it too?


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of JOY – “I turn worry and frustration over to the Universe and live joyfully in each moment. I practice spiritual consciousness, allowing things to unfold as they will.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

TUESDAY: Focusing on the past will keep you bound to it, so as Mercury moves into Cancer today, take some time to evaluate your present state and what’s holding you back. An impulsive act could generate anger or confusion from others, and you may find yourself spending the better half of the day explaining your actions or apologizing thanks to Mars’ entry into Taurus. Ask Spirit to help you become more aware of how your actions are affecting others under the Virgo Moon, and to instill you with ideas on how to change.

KEEP IN MIND: If everyone seems to be upset with you now, it’s time for a change. You’re the common denominator in the equation, so the resolution lies with you.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of JOY – “I turn worry and frustration over to the Universe and live joyfully in each moment. I practice spiritual consciousness, allowing things to unfold as they will.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

WEDNESDAY: You’ll want to practice extra caution today, as moving too quickly could result in accidents or impulsive choices that you’ll regret later. When a coworker asks a favor, take a closer look to see what hidden agendas might be lurking in the background. You should reach out to someone you haven’t talked with in quite some time under the Libra Moon, to reestablish the connection. Blue candles carry the power to bring unique ideas your way, so light one or more before your meditation.

KEEP IN MIND: Nothing is as it seems today, so act with caution and don’t make any promises you have no intention of keeping!


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of JOY – “I turn worry and frustration over to the Universe and live joyfully in each moment. I practice spiritual consciousness, allowing things to unfold as they will.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

THURSDAY: The Libra Moon will bring out your productive side today, enabling you to get even more accomplished than you had planned! A project you thought was completed could land back in your lap for revisions, so be prepared to put other things on hold. Surround yourself in green today; it carries the magic to draw more money and success your way. Brighten your mood by sharing time with fun-loving friends in a simple and comfortable setting this evening.

KEEP IN MIND: Don’t look now, but some things you thought were completed will come back to haunt you today. It’s not that you didn’t do them right the first time, it’s just that the goal itself has changed.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of JOY – “I turn worry and frustration over to the Universe and live joyfully in each moment. I practice spiritual consciousness, allowing things to unfold as they will.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

FRIDAY: Expect a call or email from an old love or long-lost friend today, as someone wants to affirm how you changed their life. Social activities will take precedence over mundane tasks, as the fun-loving Scorpio Moon tempts you to take the day off and play. If you can remember the difference between long-term success and instant gratification, your choices will be clear. Burn rose incense or diffuse essential oils while you meditate tonight to promote unconditional love and inner joy.

KEEP IN MIND: It won’t take much persuading to abandon work for fun; just be sure your basic responsibilities are met before you run out to play!


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of JOY – “I turn worry and frustration over to the Universe and live joyfully in each moment. I practice spiritual consciousness, allowing things to unfold as they will.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

SATURDAY: Your ideas about what will work best for everyone else are a bit one-sided, so access the power of today’s Scorpio Moon to become more objective and flexible. Sometimes what makes perfect sense to you can create problems for others, so allow them to express their concerns or opinions before making suggestions. Carry or wear a red gemstone such as garnet or ruby to form a protective shield around you today.

KEEP IN MIND: You know what’s best for you, but it doesn’t mean you know what’s best for everyone else; be open-minded.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of JOY – “I turn worry and frustration over to the Universe and live joyfully in each moment. I practice spiritual consciousness, allowing things to unfold as they will.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Brown, Number: 6)

SUNDAY: New information will arrive courtesy of the Cancer Sun today, affirming the changes you’re considering and adding enough momentum to your commitments to make them a reality. If you’re feeling out of sorts, perform a spontaneous meditation or do some journaling to get back on track. Don’t pick up the slack when someone shirks their responsibilities under tonight’s Sagittarius Moon; let the consequences fall where they may.

KEEP IN MIND: With all the new things about to appear in your life, you have little time or patience for unreliable people; just ignore them and take care of yourself!