Pisces Horoscopes


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of ATTAINMENT – “The path to attainment is not always a straight line, but I trust that it is divinely inspired. I ask Spirit to direct me as I prepare to move into a new season of potential. ” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Purple, Number: 3)

MONDAY: The affirming Libra Moon will cast its spotlight on you today, as others share their appreciation and acknowledge the blessings you’ve brought to their lives. Though you may be unaware of the positive effects you have had on others, they are not. Be patient with loved ones who seem distant or ethereal today. Pay close attention to your movements this week to avoid unnecessary mishaps, as your tarot card the Chariot will urge you forward assertively and, at times, in opposing directions.

WATCH OUT FOR: inattention and fear
AIM FOR: higher awareness and patience
KEEP IN MIND: You’re the star of the show today, as everyone stops to acknowledge the blessings you’ve brought them.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of ATTAINMENT – “The path to attainment is not always a straight line, but I trust that it is divinely inspired. I ask Spirit to direct me as I prepare to move into a new season of potential. ” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Purple, Number: 3)

TUESDAY: Romantic ideals will fill your head under the comfort-seeking Libra Moon, even if they are nowhere close to reality. What you once considered lost to you is just around the corner, so continue to keep your focus on the prize and trust in Spirit to deliver. Tonight, you should create a list of self-improvement goals for the future. Place the list under a white candle during your meditation session; this will add spiritual power to the commitments you make to yourself.

WATCH OUT FOR: disillusion and confusion
AIM FOR: greater faith in the Universe and clarity
KEEP IN MIND: Spirit is always ready to give you a hand up, as long as you’re willing to do your part to manifest change.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of ATTAINMENT – “The path to attainment is not always a straight line, but I trust that it is divinely inspired. I ask Spirit to direct me as I prepare to move into a new season of potential. ” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Purple, Number: 3)

WEDNESDAY: Higher awareness will be your mantra under today’s Libra Moon, as new insights arrive and reveal the higher purpose behind a recent disappointment. In order to get the best advice, you’ll need to ask direction from those who’ve already walked a mile in your shoes. Allow money to flow in on its own rather than trying to chase it down. Visualize orbs of white light surrounding you while you meditate tonight, to elevate your mood as well as your psychic powers.

WATCH OUT FOR: uninformed people and struggling with money issues
AIM FOR: seeking out valid information and allowing Spirit to supply what you need
KEEP IN MIND: Trying to control things will prove fruitless today; just relax and let Spirit do the driving!


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of ATTAINMENT – “The path to attainment is not always a straight line, but I trust that it is divinely inspired. I ask Spirit to direct me as I prepare to move into a new season of potential. ” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Purple, Number: 3)

THURSDAY: Move with caution to avoid a minor mishap, as the ethereal energy of the day has a way of catching you off guard. Don’t take something as fact just because you heard it from a friend; check out the facts. You’ll want to engage in heart-to-heart talks with loved ones under the Scorpio Moon and encourage them to share their feelings as well as their hopes for the future.

WATCH OUT FOR: needless accidents and assumption
AIM FOR: moving with caution and double checking the facts
KEEP IN MIND: Illusion will surround you today, so question everything until clarity returns in a few days.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of ATTAINMENT – “The path to attainment is not always a straight line, but I trust that it is divinely inspired. I ask Spirit to direct me as I prepare to move into a new season of potential. ” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Purple, Number: 3)

FRIDAY: Take stock of the blocks to forward movement you’ve been fighting; in the process you’ll discover some imaginary restrictions you can now release. This new awareness can restore movement and renew your sense of confidence. Meditate with a piece of amber under tonight’s Sagittarius Moon, stating your intentions to the Universe and asking for its help. This enlightening stone is guaranteed to help you approach your goals with more power, awareness and success.

WATCH OUT FOR: negative thinking and self-doubt
AIM FOR: being willing to change and asking for help
KEEP IN MIND: Most of your restrictions are only in your mind, so today, start eliminating the negative thoughts that are holding you back.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of ATTAINMENT – “The path to attainment is not always a straight line, but I trust that it is divinely inspired. I ask Spirit to direct me as I prepare to move into a new season of potential. ” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Purple, Number: 3)

SATURDAY: You’ll need to ground your emotions with mundane tasks or physical activity first thing this morning; either that or you could spend the day in a tug of war with your feelings. Share your concerns with a close friend under the Sagittarius Moon, as talking about them can dissolve the power they hold over you. Turn your attention to restoring order this evening. While your at it, update and cleanse your meditation space to create a quiet sanctuary; then call in your spirit guides for a channeling session.

WATCH OUT FOR: emotional imbalance and worry
AIM FOR: disciplined movement and sharing your fears with others
KEEP IN MIND: You’ll get plenty of hints that things are out of balance today; target the physical clutter around you and then smudge or cleanse to eliminate the “spiritual static” surrounding your meditation space.


Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Affirmation for this week of ATTAINMENT – “The path to attainment is not always a straight line, but I trust that it is divinely inspired. I ask Spirit to direct me as I prepare to move into a new season of potential. ” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Purple, Number: 3)

SUNDAY: With the Sun preparing to move into Libra next week, the message is that it’s time to slow your hectic pace. Indecision could greet you at every turn under the Sagittarius Moon, so abandon your well-laid plans and simply align yourself to the whims of the Universe today. Translation? Relax! An unexplained fear could hold the key to unlocking some past life memories tonight; explore it further with a guided meditation.

WATCH OUT FOR: holding fast to a schedule and unexplained fears
AIM FOR: going with the flow and exploring your feelings
KEEP IN MIND: The harder you try to follow a set plan, the more chaos will reign. Let Spirit do the driving today and relax!