Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of ASSERTIVENESS – “Assertive action restores my confidence and breaks down blocks. My determination adds an air of authenticity to all I say, think, and do.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Raven, Color: White, Number: 6)
THURSDAY: You could find yourself unable to make a decision today, as updated data comes into direct conflict with the information you already have. You’ll need to employ the meticulous Sagittarius Moon to help you discover the truth. When things go sideways at work midday, simply turn your attention to another project until balance is restored. If you’ll light rose incense or diffuse essential oils as you journal this evening, as they can help you discover the reason behind a recent emotional conflict.
KEEP IN MIND: Don’t take another’s words as fact today; do the research yourself.