Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of MOVEMENT – “When I act with complete trust in the Universe, movement is restored, and new doors open to me. I spread my wings and take a leap of faith into the unknown.” Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: White, Number: 1)
SATURDAY: The Leo Sun will awaken your indulgent side, but if you give in and hit that “Buy Now” button, expect to pay the price later. Loved ones could have you revising your schedule all day long under the Capricorn Moon, as their plans tend to take priority over yours. Though you’re ready to take action on a decision, a lack of information will keep you in limbo for a few more days. Give yourself a break this evening; you deserve it for getting through this week with dignity and grace.
KEEP IN MIND: Let Spirit do the driving today, even if you’re not quite sure where it’s taking you. (Don’t worry, Spirit has an excellent GPS!)