Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of OBJECTIVITY – “I maintain an objective stance as I consider the endless potentials of the new year ahead. I ask Spirit to direct me as I move forward with hope and expectation.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Bear, Color: Gold, Number: 10)
FRIDAY: Words of appreciation and affection will come your way when you least expect it, warming your heart under the Capricorn Moon. Try to remain patient and supportive as you watch a loved one struggle with a problem you’ve already experienced; they’ll seek you out for advice soon. A friend from your past could make a valiant attempt to reenter your life today. Meditate with rose incense as you contemplate your history with this person, so you can see what they’re really up to and if they have changed.
KEEP IN MIND: Be sure to take all you hear and see with a grain of salt today, as half-truths abound!