Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of FOCUS – “When I maintain a spiritual focus, I have access to every opportunity available. With this higher perspective, it is easier to recognize the miracles that come my way each day.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Cat, Color: Brown, Number: 1)
MONDAY: You’ll need to stay close to your spiritual center today to avoid being thrown off course by unexpected feelings or conflicts that arise. A time of clearing and cleansing is in progress and will require that you keep things simple and low key. Translation? Relax! Helping others can lift your spirits and restore your outlook under tonight’s Pisces Moon. Your tarot card the Moon will remind you to stop and appreciate the spiritual blessings in your life that you usually take for granted.
KEEP IN MIND: No matter what annoyances you face today, the best way to handle them is to ask for spiritual intervention!