Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of CONFIDENCE – “I enlarge my spiritual ‘footprint’ in the world through prayer and meditation. Surrounded by Spirit, I can move more freely and confidently through my days.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Eagle, Color: Purple, Number: 9)

FRIDAY: Take a walk in nature or spend extra time in meditation to access the healing energies afloat in the heavens today. Under the Aries Moon, you’ll want to talk things over with someone who can help you see a relationship problem with more balance and objectivity. Eucalyptus incense or essential oils carry optimistic and healing properties, so burn or diffuse some during your evening meditation to restore your body, mind, and spirit as you prepare for the upcoming holidays.

KEEP IN MIND: The main reason you’re feeling stressed or out-of-sorts is because you’re not taking care of yourself! Today, make “you” the focus.