Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of OPTIMISM – “Through my spiritual practices, I experience a renewed sense of optimism. I move through my days with temperance, truth, and serenity.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lion, Color: Yellow, Number: 7)

SUNDAY: You should get all commitments in writing today, and double-check your facts or you could be taken advantage of as the Sun moves into Pisces. Though you’ll be tempted to engage in harmless flirtations, keep your boundaries in check under the Gemini Moon or you’ll yourself making promises you can’t keep. Before attempting a home improvement or do-it-yourself project, check out some practical advice from experts through websites, books, or videos.

KEEP IN MIND: It’s not that anyone is deliberately trying to deceive you today, but with the Sun moving into Pisces, mixed messages and confusion abound!