Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of CONFIDENCE – “I move into challenging new areas with confidence and faith. Trusting Spirit’s hand in all things, I prepare for change.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Horse, Color: Black, Number: 4)

MONDAY: You’ll be operating with expanded spiritual intuition this week, thanks to your tarot card, the Moon. To add more power to a new idea you’re preparing to move on, invite someone to partner with you. Minor technical problems could keep you blocked until early afternoon, so attend to a few odd projects to fill your morning hours. The Taurus Moon could inspire a change in your plans this evening, as a karmic invitation comes your way when you least expect it!

KEEP IN MIND: This is one of those stop-and-go days; pay attention and you’ll know what to do now and what can wait.