Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of PROTECTION – “I move through the world surrounded by spiritual protection. I greet each day with faith and trust, confident in the benevolence of the Universe.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Swan, Color: White, Number: 1)
WEDNESDAY: You’ll be ready for action under today’s Cancer Moon. If you’re diligent about completing your tasks early in the day, most of your work will be done before noon. Then you’ll be free to move spontaneously through the rest of your day. Patience will work in your favor regarding matters of the heart, so at this point, it’s best to let the other person come to you. Hang out with your favorite people tonight and let them surround you with loving feelings and joyful optimism.
KEEP IN MIND: There’s nothing pressing on your schedule today; do the minimum and then take the rest of the day off to play.