Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of PROTECTION – “I move through the world surrounded by spiritual protection. I greet each day with faith and trust, confident in the benevolence of the Universe.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Swan, Color: White, Number: 1)
SATURDAY: The fun-loving Leo Moon will brighten your mood today, as it encourages you to release worry and live in the moment. Do your best to avoid an argument between friends as Saturn turns retrograde; if you don’t, they’ll decide you’re the troublemaker! Your romantic side will emerge tonight, and your sweetheart will be thrilled to see a side of you that’s been hidden for a while. Meditation is a quick cure for free-floating anxiety, so restore your inner balance with some deep-breathing techniques and contemplation.
KEEP IN MIND: There’s nothing you can do about the past, and the future has yet to unfold, so enjoy the blessings of today.