Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of MOVEMENT – “Facing my fears releases any power they hold over me. I ask Spirit to remove any roadblocks that delay my forward movement.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Fox, Color: Yellow, Number: 3)
WEDNESDAY: You may have trouble focusing on any one thing under today’s Taurus Moon, as it puts you in a reflective or scattered mood. Wear black, as it can absorb negative thoughts or energies that arise as you encounter block after block. Be more loving to yourself and reserve extra time for rest and relaxation this evening, even if it means rescheduling a commitment. When you check your email tonight, you’ll come across an intriguing message.
KEEP IN MIND: There’s no getting around the blocks today, so unless you’re intent on frustrating yourself, enjoy the break and relax!