Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of EXPERIENCE – “There is a higher purpose to my movements, and I embrace my life lessons with gratitude. Personal experience is the greatest teacher of all and will always take me where I need to go.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Owl, Color: Orange, Number: 7)

MONDAY: It’s vital you keep confidential information to yourself now, even though you’re dying to tell someone all that you know. Double check your facts to make sure everyone understands their part regarding a group project; that way, nothing will fall through the cracks. The Capricorn Moon could throw a few roadblocks in your path, but if you remain flexible, you’ll get a few gifts in the process. Your tarot card the Fool will encourage you to make a fresh start in almost all areas of your life this week.

KEEP IN MIND: It might make you feel important that you know a secret no one else does, but if you reveal it, no one will confide in you again!