Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of MAGIC – “I am blessed with amazing gifts as the Universe works its magic to bring my dreams into being. I give thanks for the wonder that is about to unfold.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Raven, Color: Gold, Number: 6)
SATURDAY: Influenced by the Taurus Moon, you’ll need to go within and reevaluate your current dreams and future goals. Perceptions change at a rapid pace, so you must stay on top of your game. A financial decision could have you in knots, so make a list of the pros and cons to dissolve any doubt or fear you still carry. Your romantic side will awaken this evening, so put some instrumental music on the CD player or iPod and get ready to cuddle up with the one you love.
KEEP IN MIND: When in doubt, write it out. Getting things down on paper will give you a clearer view of any situation.