Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of CHANGE – “I consider the changes necessary for my spiritual development. Once I let go of ego-driven plans and alter my direction, I can access the gifts Spirit has waiting for me.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Butterfly, Color: Green, Number: 4)
SUNDAY: The Virgo Moon will inspire you to clear clutter and start your spring cleaning today, even though the season change is still more than a week away. Now that you’ve identified the things you’d like to change over the coming months, map out a plan of action. Indigo candles are ideal for balancing out all the ideas that are floating around in your head, so light one or more this evening while you make plans for the new season ahead.
KEEP IN MIND: The Pisces Sun is in the process of encouraging us to release what’s no longer working for us. That should make it easier, as you go about deciding what to keep, and what to toss!