Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of INFLUENCE – “I carry more influence and credibility now, thanks to the spiritual strides I’ve made. An open heart and mind free me to be genuine with others while remaining true to myself.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Hawk, Color: Green, Number: 4)

SUNDAY: Watch for moodiness or needless worry, as the Gemini Sun will tend to bring random emotions to the surface all day long. If you spend a few hours on the internet researching your options this morning, you’ll discover a better path to achieving your goals. Keep confidential information to yourself at all costs or an innocent third party could get hurt. Someone will approach you about hosting or planning an upcoming event under the Capricorn Moon, and you’ll be more than happy to take on the task.

KEEP IN MIND: A little clarity will go a long way, and a spontaneous midday meditation is sure to reveal some interesting new options to consider!