Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of ADJUSTMENT – “I practice adjusting to current situations rather than attempting to change my reality. When I can accept what is, new opportunities will soon begin to appear.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Spider, Color: Gold, Number: 4)
WEDNESDAY: When you find yourself pulled in two opposing directions today, consider the spiritual value of both, rather than the facts. You’ll regain your financial balance after months of worry, a gift of today’s Scorpio Moon. Wear pinks and corals, as they can infuse more joy into your thoughts and emotions throughout the day. The Scorpio Sun will encourage prophetic dreams to come your way tonight; keep a pen and pad handy to write them down for later examination.
KEEP IN MIND: Look at your life from a spiritual angle today; it will put a whole new slant on things!