Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of INTEGRITY – “I practice tolerance of others while maintaining high expectations of myself. Greater awareness of my presence in the world will remind me to act with integrity.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Lion, Color: Green, Number: 2)
FRIDAY: Under the Leo Moon, this is the ideal time to write out the details of a plan you’re formulating, and then research any aspects of it that are still fuzzy. You’ll make an amazing discovery during a routine conversation today, so pay close attention. Be sure to practice extra caution, as people are bound to change direction at a moment’s notice. Make plans to get out of the house this evening; you’ve been cooped up for way too long!
KEEP IN MIND: Clarity is your goal now, so put on your “spiritual glasses and headphones” and tune in to the Spirit “broadcasting station” today.