Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of EXPERIENCE – “There is a higher purpose to my movements, and I embrace my life lessons with gratitude. Personal experience is the greatest teacher of all and will always take me where I need to go.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Owl, Color: Orange, Number: 7)
MONDAY: It’s vital you keep confidential information to yourself now, even though you’re dying to tell someone all that you know. Double check your facts to make sure everyone understands their part regarding a group project; that way, nothing will fall through the cracks. The Capricorn Moon could throw a few roadblocks in your path, but if you remain flexible, you’ll get a few gifts in the process. Your tarot card the Fool will encourage you to make a fresh start in almost all areas of your life this week.
KEEP IN MIND: It might make you feel important that you know a secret no one else does, but if you reveal it, no one will confide in you again!
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of EXPERIENCE – “There is a higher purpose to my movements, and I embrace my life lessons with gratitude. Personal experience is the greatest teacher of all and will always take me where I need to go.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Owl, Color: Orange, Number: 7)
TUESDAY: The Capricorn Moon will infuse your every move with added power and success today. Keep a close eye on a developing situation at work, as it could require you to change direction at a moment’s notice. An instrumental bit of information comes to your attention and could be the key to breaking a power struggle you’ve been having with a loved one. Burn cinnamon incense or diffuse essential oils to spice up your love connections and to bring out your romantic side tonight.
KEEP IN MIND: Keep a close eye on things today, as new information could change your direction at a moment’s notice!
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of EXPERIENCE – “There is a higher purpose to my movements, and I embrace my life lessons with gratitude. Personal experience is the greatest teacher of all and will always take me where I need to go.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Owl, Color: Orange, Number: 7)
WEDNESDAY: Misinformation could come your way today and land you in hot water if you move too quickly on it; double-check the facts before proceeding. Refrain from making any binding decisions or big commitments under the Capricorn Moon; instead, spend the day pursuing simple joys and easy tasks that can help you maintain your emotional balance. To keep your mood upbeat and optimistic, dress in red. Get to bed early tonight, so you have all the energy you’ll need for the busy weekend ahead.
KEEP IN MIND: Never mind making any decisions today; hop up on the “fence” and just enjoy the view!
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of EXPERIENCE – “There is a higher purpose to my movements, and I embrace my life lessons with gratitude. Personal experience is the greatest teacher of all and will always take me where I need to go.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Owl, Color: Orange, Number: 7)
THURSDAY: Happy Astrological New Year! The start of a new season could have you ignoring current responsibilities to go out and play today, a gift of the Sun’s entry into Aries. An unexpected phone call or email will come your way, revealing that you’re on someone’s mind under tonight’s wistful Aquarius Moon. Red candles can open your heart to new adventures and passions, so light a few this evening before starting your meditation.
KEEP IN MIND: Before you run off to play today, make sure everyone else knows what the plan is!
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of EXPERIENCE – “There is a higher purpose to my movements, and I embrace my life lessons with gratitude. Personal experience is the greatest teacher of all and will always take me where I need to go.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Owl, Color: Orange, Number: 7)
FRIDAY: If you go over your financial matters with a fine-tooth comb today, you can discover how to eliminate a money drain or two. Add more greens to your diet, as they can generate a more open mind and balanced perspective. Your loved ones may seem overly sensitive or demanding under tonight’s Aquarius Moon; you can avoid power struggles or confrontations by remaining neutral. Take the time to explore your feelings during meditation, as they carry important messages you need to pay attention to.
KEEP IN MIND: As your most productive day of the week, you’re sure to catch up at last!
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of EXPERIENCE – “There is a higher purpose to my movements, and I embrace my life lessons with gratitude. Personal experience is the greatest teacher of all and will always take me where I need to go.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Owl, Color: Orange, Number: 7)
SATURDAY: Wear or carry a garnet to help ground and direct your movements as Saturn moves into Aquarius today, essential with all you have on your plate. The Pisces Moon will bless you with an unexpected gift, something you’ve been eyeing for months, but haven’t had the cash to buy. Someone from your past could show up unexpectedly tonight, causing you to have a few second thoughts about the phenomena of second chances.
KEEP IN MIND: You’ll get a break today when something you’ve been saving for goes on sale or you karmically come across the money to purchase it!
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of EXPERIENCE – “There is a higher purpose to my movements, and I embrace my life lessons with gratitude. Personal experience is the greatest teacher of all and will always take me where I need to go.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Owl, Color: Orange, Number: 7)
SUNDAY: The restorative Pisces Moon will awaken your desire for passion, romance, and adventure today. Make it a point to explore new places or spend time with loved ones who always inspire and support you. You can reclaim your power in a relationship with an honest and open discussion: Dress in blue, as it can assure that your words are clear and concise. Your dreams could take you into the realm of the magical and mystical tonight, so keep a notebook nearby to record them.
KEEP IN MIND: Get out there and see what’s shaking today!