

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of CONFIDENCE – “New challenges restore my confidence and fill me with anticipation. Accompanied by spiritual power and intuitive guidance, I am ready for anything.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Wolf, Color: Yellow, Number: 3)

MONDAY: You’ll greet the day with renewed energy and confidence under the enterprising Aries Moon. There’s a good chance you’ll get all your work done before noon, leaving the rest of the day wide open for fun and creative activities. A deception could come to light this week thanks to your tarot card the Moon, and you’ll finally realize you’ve been operating under an illusion. Information is power, so consider this a heads up from the Universe!

KEEP IN MIND: Someone has been pulling the wool over your eyes, but Spirit will help you put a stop to it today!


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of CONFIDENCE – “New challenges restore my confidence and fill me with anticipation. Accompanied by spiritual power and intuitive guidance, I am ready for anything.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Wolf, Color: Yellow, Number: 3)

TUESDAY: Your imagination will be operating on high today, which means that the sky’s the limit! Thanks to the Taurus Sun, you’re on a creative streak. You should network with others to be sure you have the most current information available. A feeling of restlessness may have you seeking out alternate social activities and connections over the internet, given tonight’s Aries Moon. Don’t stay up too late, however, or you’re sure to be late for work in the morning.

KEEP IN MIND: Balance is the secret to having a productive day; have fun, but not too much!


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of CONFIDENCE – “New challenges restore my confidence and fill me with anticipation. Accompanied by spiritual power and intuitive guidance, I am ready for anything.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Wolf, Color: Yellow, Number: 3)

WEDNESDAY: A love interest from the past could turn up when you least expect it thanks to the Sun’s entry into Gemini today. Whether you’re interested in friendship or more, consider the possibility of renewing this relationship. You’ll have to redouble your efforts to maintain inner serenity today, so hold fast to your faith no matter what goes on around you. Take the evening off to regroup under the friendly Taurus Moon, and spend your time with loved ones to restore your emotional balance.

KEEP IN MIND: There’s no reason to make a plan for your day; the Universe has a better idea!


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of CONFIDENCE – “New challenges restore my confidence and fill me with anticipation. Accompanied by spiritual power and intuitive guidance, I am ready for anything.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Wolf, Color: Yellow, Number: 3)

THURSDAY: Today’s Taurus Moon will call for a more balanced approach to life. Make sure all your work is taken care of and then set aside some time to journal or meditate, assessing the bigger picture to release fear or worry. Letting others know where you stand and how you feel is the fastest way to promote greater understanding. A close friend will need your assistance to sort through some personal problems this evening; offer your experience, but don’t tell them what to do.

KEEP IN MIND: No one has the time or inclination to read your mind; speak up!


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of CONFIDENCE – “New challenges restore my confidence and fill me with anticipation. Accompanied by spiritual power and intuitive guidance, I am ready for anything.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Wolf, Color: Yellow, Number: 3)

FRIDAY: You’ll need to turn your focus inward under today’s Gemini new Moon, examining old fears or concepts that need to be addressed and released. Stopping for a spontaneous meditation here and there can help you remain centered and calm. Others will make a point of noting how your support and encouragement has helped them. Spend time researching new options for work or romance over the internet, as the research-oriented Gemini Sun can help you can discover some new venues to explore.

KEEP IN MIND: Information is power, so today, start researching your options for the future.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of CONFIDENCE – “New challenges restore my confidence and fill me with anticipation. Accompanied by spiritual power and intuitive guidance, I am ready for anything.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Wolf, Color: Yellow, Number: 3)

SATURDAY: Change is definitely in the air, so take some time to consider what you are willing to let go of now in order to get what you want in the future. The Gemini Moon is now emitting a cycle of restoration as it encourages you to practice more self-love and confidence. The Gemini Sun could evoke a confrontation with a loved one if you forget to think before you speak: If you don’t, expect to make an apology later tonight. Spend time with that special someone tonight, sharing your feelings, hopes, or concerns.

KEEP IN MIND: You could put your foot in your mouth more than once today; if you can’t help yourself, be ready to follow up with a quick apology.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of CONFIDENCE – “New challenges restore my confidence and fill me with anticipation. Accompanied by spiritual power and intuitive guidance, I am ready for anything.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Wolf, Color: Yellow, Number: 3)

SUNDAY: You’ll be able to step back and consider things from a more objective stance under today’s Gemini Moon. When you allow someone the freedom to make their own decisions, you’ll also be giving yourself permission to do the same. Watch your food intake carefully, as overindulging could cost you. You’d better get organized tonight, as the activities that await you next week will overwhelm you if you don’t have a plan of action. Once your world is in order, feel free to indulge in a little downtime.

KEEP IN MIND: Remember; a minute on the lips/a lifetime on the hips. Now really? Is it worth the price?