Sagittarius Horoscopes


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of DEPTH – “I am led to new levels of depth and awareness through my current challenges. I align myself with spirit and prepare for my struggles to be transformed from the inside out.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Whale, Color: Green, Number: 9)

MONDAY: Taking aggressive action will net you immediate success now, as the enthusiastic Aries Moon inspires you to reach for the stars. You’ll get the green light to move ahead on a project at work, even though your desk is already piled high. A healing energy will settle in around you over the next three days, bringing new insight and resolution to a personal conflict. Your tarot card this week is the Moon, which will remind you to honor your intuition over the facts, and to give your imagination a little more “air time!”

KEEP IN MIND: Set your internal speed on “high” today, because you’ll be running on all cylinders!


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of DEPTH – “I am led to new levels of depth and awareness through my current challenges. I align myself with spirit and prepare for my struggles to be transformed from the inside out.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Whale, Color: Green, Number: 9)

TUESDAY: Visualize yourself in a bubble of spiritual protection to assure the unfolding of a joyful day. Hold off on an expensive purchase for a bit longer, as the Aries Moon could inspire a change of heart or mind. You’ll get wind of an exciting new opportunity today, one that will expand your hopes and dreams for the future. Focus on ridding yourself of illusion during your evening meditation and you’ll get a clearer view of the truth, despite another’s attempts to hide it.

KEEP IN MIND: In your rush to get ready for the holidays, you might be tempted to overwhelm yourself. Sit tight for a few days and keep things simple.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of DEPTH – “I am led to new levels of depth and awareness through my current challenges. I align myself with spirit and prepare for my struggles to be transformed from the inside out.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Whale, Color: Green, Number: 9)

WEDNESDAY: Innovative ideas will catch your attention under today’s Taurus Moon, revealing a new path for the future. In tandem, the Scorpio Sun will present spiritual messages which evoke deeper insight into your potentials. You’ve been sitting on the fence about a friendship, and a time of journaling or meditation will bring the clarity you need to make a decision. Burn sandalwood incense or essential oils this evening, as it can help you to balance out scattered emotions and restore inner serenity.

KEEP IN MIND: You’ve been moving in circles, but today, Spirit will open the door and bring the answers you’re waiting on.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of DEPTH – “I am led to new levels of depth and awareness through my current challenges. I align myself with spirit and prepare for my struggles to be transformed from the inside out.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Whale, Color: Green, Number: 9)

THURSDAY: The Sun’s entry into your sign will bring out the child in you for the next few weeks, as it fills you with endless joy and anticipation for the holidays ahead! Even if you get off to a late start today, don’t panic, as things will work out just fine. Family members may act a bit moody, but they’ll get into the holiday spirit as soon as guests start to arrive. A watchful eye can avert an accident before it happens, so stay alert! Your evening will be filled with fun and laughter under the joyful the Gemini full Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: This is a day to stay alert and pay close attention; with everyone moving in opposing directions, it’s your best defense against accidents or emotional upsets.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of DEPTH – “I am led to new levels of depth and awareness through my current challenges. I align myself with spirit and prepare for my struggles to be transformed from the inside out.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Whale, Color: Green, Number: 9)

FRIDAY: Start your morning off right with a quick meditation to set things off on a spiritual note. Today’s Gemini Moon will have you moving from the heart rather than bothering with facts or schedules. Avoid the urge to move too quickly or jump into emotionally deep waters, and remember to keep your focus in the moment. A time of solitude will be essential this evening, so find a quiet space where you can meditate to restore your balance, physically as well as emotionally.

KEEP IN MIND: Emotional balance will be your goal today, so pay closer attention to how you feel, rather than what you think.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of DEPTH – “I am led to new levels of depth and awareness through my current challenges. I align myself with spirit and prepare for my struggles to be transformed from the inside out.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Whale, Color: Green, Number: 9)

SATURDAY: You’ll find yourself engaged in some very intriguing conversations today, as Neptune resumes forward motion and encourages you to share spiritual thoughts and ideas on a grander and more global scale. You’ll finally complete a task you’ve been trying to get to for weeks under today’s Gemini Moon, bringing you much satisfaction and fulfillment. It will also free you up to start something new. When you wear green to bring out your generous and loving side, you’ll find people want to be near you all day long.

KEEP IN MIND: This could turn out to be your most productive day of the week, despite the constant interruptions you’ll meet with.


Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Affirmation for this week of DEPTH – “I am led to new levels of depth and awareness through my current challenges. I align myself with spirit and prepare for my struggles to be transformed from the inside out.” (Themes: Spirit Guide: Whale, Color: Green, Number: 9)

SUNDAY: Refuse to let others interfere with your plans today, even if it results in a conflict. You’ve been compromising enough, and now it’s their turn. If you find yourself sitting for hours in front of the television or behind the computer, take a break midday and get out for some fresh air. Your evening meditation will reveal a past life you had in a foreign country tonight. Keep a pen and pad handy to write down the clues you get so you can investigate further under the Cancer Moon.

KEEP IN MIND: Be a little selfish with your day off; you deserve a break!